The Southeastern Seaboard.

For some reason, the lefties think they own the creative arts. I was kicked off Ravelry years ago for voting for Trump. I can hardly listen to any creative podcast – cuz they are lefties. I stopped following a number of people on IG – cuz they celebrate Hamas and the murder of Jews. So I am thrilled to have found some Jews who craft and support Israel and Jews worldwide.

Gorgeous Savannah. The squares, with live oaks, Spanish moss.

Beauty abounds.

We were so lucky with the weather. No humidity, I even had to wear my sweater.

A gorgeous fountain in one of the many squares.

Just beautiful.

A lot of American flags.

I saw three Israeli flags on houses, only got two pictures. What is more important – not a single Pali flag anywhere, not even on the many SCAD (Savannah college of art and Design) buildings all over the city.

The wisteria was in full bloom. flower boxes abounded.

The Cathedral Spires. Didn’t go in, it was Easter weekend, so it was closed to non catholics. Did have a tour in the synagogue more on that later.

Broughton Street is always busy, and this is just one of the SCAD buildings around town. If you see the sign Leopolds’ that is the best ice cream around.

We got a tip from our guides. Skip the line, walk in like you own the place, pick up a pint from the freezer and pay – so you don’t have a cone, you have a pint or more if you like.

We also got c00kies from Byrds. Yes, I took the bag home, the cookies are bite size. there are many choices. all yummy


Off To Savannah

I won’t be posting for a week – vacation time! So here goes before I head east to Savannah Georgia.

I have no generosity for the world right now. Not the Palis, not the rest of the world that is calling for ‘Ceasefire’. They don’t want Hamas or Hizbollah to stop shelling and fighting Israel – they want Israel and the Jews to cease to exist.

The Biden administration now won’t defend Israel in the UN anymore. I’ve just been telling Jews – stop voting for Dems. They hate us – I know they tell me Trump is worse. Really? Great economy, the Abraham Accords, not funding UNWRA. So yeah, Dem voting Jews – if you care about us – go pound sand.

A British Jew is chosen to be the next James Bond – and the world goes wild – he isn’t Israel – he’s Jewish, which just shows that it is antisemitism pure and simple.

A massive Bridge collapses in Baltimore and even if it wasn’t terror – something is going terribly wrong. So I’m off on Vacation, hoping that maybe I can escape for a while before everything comes tumbling down.

The gophers are out, it is spring time. This is at a large local park. I shared this on IG. Someone was horrified it might be in my garden. I know, most people I know aren’t screaming for the destruction of the Jews but, they just want us to be quiet and go away. So my comment was, gophers are like Gazans, digging a massive tunnel complex, just without murder and kidnapping. If people don’t like it – that is fine- I’m done being quiet.

I’ve been working on my cross stitch butterfly. Being me, the colors don’t exactly correspond with the pattern.

Finished another puzzle with Westley.

Friends had a big Purim party. Joel dressed as a bike rider and the boys were soccer players. A good time was had by all.

As I’m leaving, the flowers start blooming. I know, I’ll only enjoy this for one day, but I bring them in.

Some of the beads are new, most are canabilized from my old jewelry.

Blue necklaces.

I have a lot of earth tones to work with as well!

See you in about two weeks.


restringing beads

Seen in LA, (not by me.) the license plate is ‘all is good’ in Hebrew. These days not all is good, Biden and co have turned on Israel, they want Hamas to survive, the rest of the world is piling on and antisemitism is raging everywhere. Welcome to 2024.

In my life, things are good.

Doll Donna is home! Real Donna loves everything about her! She said it’s the nicest gift she ever got. Not sure about that, but so glad she loves it.

Here she is, with Aytan, she got him to help with the garden. This is worm soup – she has a compost pile with worms and as it drains – it creates a very very nutritious liquid fertilizer. She is so wonderful with Aytan, he loves walking her dog Sadie.

My friend Ian was in town. He is proof that it takes time for people to mature, but it happens. Ian is the same age as my oldest son. I met him over 15 years ago – a young conservative gay man. Since then he converted to Judaism, joined the Merchant Marines where he has now risen to level of Steward and moved back to S. Carolina where his family is. Oh and he’s gone completely grey. It was a delight having him over for Friday night dinner. It was a delight seeing how well he is doing.

Westley won second place in a chess tournament, all in one day, he played soccer, chess and in the evening – basketball. Love the purple mohawk.

Eyal is quite the builder – really good.

How adorable!

After stringing purls I’m back to jewelry making. Love this image, so I ordered some beads – I hate ordering beads online – you never really get what you expect.

So I raided my own Jewelry drawer for things I’ve made and haven’t worn in a while.

Here is the result, the purls and the pink beads I had bought online, the others are canalized from those other necklaces.

I have a bunch of blue beads, I think I’m going to make the strands longer.


Donna the baker

Hollywood is shit! Useless garbage. I remember this incident, I didn’t realize that only 20 years later things would get much much worse. I want all those wearing this pin to be dropped off in Gaza – with the pin but without their Hollywood creds – lets see how long they survive. There is so much evil in the world, and Hollywood is out there representing most of it.

I went and bought cotton yarn and started a basic doll pattern. Cotton is much better for this than wool. I have body – isn’t as floppy.

Even without a wire armature – it stands, well at this point it does, the center of gravity is still low.

eyes and nose before I finished the top of the head. The instructions are very similar to the previous doll. I paid for this pattern and the instructions were better written.

At first I thought this would stay a prototype. Then I realized, I want to turn this into Donna the baker. My friend Donna is an amazing baker and she has been so kind to Aytan. In the future, I need to sort of figure out the doll before I start. Here I made shoes to fit over the feet, it would be better to start with the shoe and work up, make the shirt while I am making the body.

The first chef hat was way to big, had to start over. Of course there is a Jewish Star, Donna never takes it off.

Donna has grey hair, she is a wonderful Challah baker.

from the back. The dress is made from wool leftovers. I had fun with a fancy stitch for the skirt.

Getting different angles

A closer look at the star.

The Challah bread, on a newly bought thrift store tray! Sure it could be larger, but I didn’t want it over power Donna.

No, she doesn’t have underwear, but I did remember to put my label on her.

I was going to give her to Donna today, but an emergency funeral is happening. (aren’t they all emergencies?) So next week, Aytan and I will go over to her house and give her her twin.



I won’t be watching, because I’m trying to imbibe the least amount of politics as I can, but Kudos to Johnson for inviting her and keeping the hostages in the news. Meanwhile the Cabal behind Biden (the senile man who eats ice cream while talking about serious issues) have decided that Hamas deserves a ceasefire without returning hostages. OH and the Huthis hit an American owned boat -crickets from America.

My friend gave me this crazy puzzle, its’ called 299 dogs and one cat. Can you find the cat? Took me a while. I of course was using the picture to put this puzzle together. Did’t take long.

Then I handed it one to my son – they don’t look at the picture. Within a day he sent me this:

Cameron had figured out that the border dogs all had a wide white edge (he may have looked at the picture – so that really got them going.

A few days later – it’s done! Julie just gave me three more puzzles, One is a puzzle I think they have already done. I’m not interested in it – they can pass it on through their puzzle porch – which is a lending library for puzzles rather than books

A friend gave me this a few years ago, I finally have started.

Going well, I have trained my eyes to see the pieces – practice makes everything easier.


Ragatha -(I think)

“Although the motive behind the shooting remains under investigation, police said Friday that Abdulkareem was a former patient of the dental office. Investigators added there is no indication “at all” that the incident was a hate crime.”

This is what our media does – a minority person is murdered – hate crime! A Jew is murdered – oh some disgruntled patient – who probably was never treated by this young man – since he just joined this family practice. I’m not calling victim here – I’m just pointing out – as Jews – we live in a different world – not by our choice but by the choice of those who hate us.

I’ve been wanting to make an amigurumi doll. I found this free pattern, decided to start here.

I worked with the yarns I have on hand.

At this stage I sent a picture to Shira. She immediately said it looks like one of her favorite anime characters, Ragatha.

Shira then asked if I made this for Einav. No, I just made it. So I told her – you can have her!

She is sort of floppy, which is why I photographed her on the grass.

Her she is from the back.

I found a frog charm, Shira really likes frogs.

Not a great picture, but I got her stand up by The Rock.

Do you think she likes her??? Yes, she loves her. We briefly discussed her Talit bag for her Bat-Mitzvah in late summer. She mentioned my using a frog charm as the zipper pull – what a great idea. She like purple and rainbow (as seen in this shirt) I told her – no rainbow, but shade of purple will be a lovely idea.


Its my Birthday

I wish I could stop posting these, but I can’t, antisemitism isn’t going anywhere and the hatred only grows.

But it was my birthday this past week, so celebrations happened – not too many pictures, because I was busy living life.

On Saturday, Marsha brought this beautiful homemade cake to the Minyan. It was a very big hit. Chocolate and marzipan. By the end there was just a very small sliver left.

Then it was down to the desert for a few days with friends. the backdrop looks fake, but it isn’t it is very real.

The women took a daily walk in the neighborhood. There is a murder of crows at one specific house, not sure why. We suspect a buried body.

We also walked along El Paseo in Palm Desert. There is something so wonderful about shopping with girlfriends, going into high end shops and just browsing, I did buy a kitchen tool at William Sonoma – a friend bought a cute sweater – but really it was just fun to wander freely through the shops – no time limits -no stress.

This was from the fancy dinner. Which was lovely. the night before there was a less fancy dinner, but it was great as well.

The special dessert.

More chocolate, yummy and so rich, everyone got a bite. One of the couples had just come back from Costa Rica where they learned that without mosquitoes there is no chocolate. Finally learned why we have those nasty critters.

One couple was staying at Shadow ridge, we had brunch there before driving home. You know me, I love mosaics!

Another friend sent me this adorable knitting kit. With everything I need to make a hat and a cowl. As cute as the needles are, I will use my own circulars – I haven’t knit on straight needles in years and if I am making a hat – it really doesn’t make sense.

And that is that, another year around the sun and it’s been a good one.


Another museum!

Also, how much money is being paid to these people to come out 4.5 months later. And many have no clue what happened on Oct. 7. They stepped into the river after that and have no interest in real history. It just feels good to be openly antisemitic – even if some of them say they just care about Palestine. That is all an excuse.

On a rainy day I drove by the flags that the city of Beverly Hills put up honoring the fallen in Israel on Oct 7. One flag for each dead person, mostly Israeli, but representatives of 70 other nations as well. While many cities waste their time with resolutions calling for ‘ceasefire’ (meaning Israel must lose) BH does the right thing and honors the real victims. Bless this city.

Did I mention the kids are over pictures. I think my eyes are closed as well. We went to the Peterson automotive museum on a rainy Presidents day. Us and a few thousand other people who had the same idea. This area is cars from movies. The kids did enjoy seeing a car from Cars.

How about that paint job!

Of course, Einav loved the pink car.

Thank goodness for the kids room, where they could touch and play.

building with lego.

Then racing them down the track.

Playing with hotwheels!

Some of the old cars, that I love

Style, color and design.


A visit to a museum

The left has been trying to segregate us forever by skin color, nationality or religion. Turns out there are good people – regardless of that shit.

My birthday is coming up. So my son suggested we go to the Norton Simon. My favorite museum of all in the LA area (next is the Huntington).

Although Yishai doesn’t remember this. When he was about three, I had a book of shapes colors, numbers. All the images were fine art. While looking at the book, I see that for the number three this is the painting, by Zuberon. So I took the book and him to the Norton Simon and we looked at this painting. Didn’t do much else. So I can’t blame him for not remembering. But he did want to come here – so it must have been in his subconsciousness.

I miss being a docent, but most museums are so woke these days. Although the Norton Simon isn’t – they only hire professionals. At least I have grandkids to share my love of art with. Eyal really enjoyed looking at art.

Einav counting the fish, Eyal at 6 had more patience. Which is fine.

I’m not a fan of modern art, although it is hard to call Braque modern these day. Yes, Eyal saw musical instruments, some that weren’t there – like a piano.

They do have a nice garden, and Einav did love running around.

I could hav spent more time. But it was about the kids. We did go downstairs to see the Indian and Asian art, the next day when I asked Eyal, he remember the ‘head looking in all directions’ A four faced God. And the people with multiple arms. Which is why you show kids art from other cultures – the strangeness of it sticks in their mind.

The kids are over smiling for cameras. Which is who they are. They are very cute, and I’ll take them without smiling for cameras

We stopped at a playground so they could get some energy out. There I saw a one legged girl who was hopping and climbing all over the place. I spoke to her parents, they were enjoying CA sun – since they live in Minnesota. They have 4 kids, two older boys, this girl and her twin sister. The mom just said she lost the leg at birth – oy. But since she never had the leg she is just living her best life. I wondered it because of that her center of gravity is different – so she can hop on on leg – something that people who lose a leg latter in life can’t really do. Anyway, the mom thanked me for coming over and talking and not just staring at her.

Then it was back through the Arroyo to have dinner in town – lovely way to start off the birthday celebrations.

I’m on a puzzle kick right now. Sharing between Elk and my friend Julie.

This one is from Elk and going off to Julie. It was a very satisfying puzzle. not hard at all.


Stringing pearls

Miracles happen, even though most take a lot of very hard work and in this case, two soldiers died rescuing these two men. Which is why I don’t wear the Bring them home Dogtags. I want the hostages home very much, but the families are willing to pay too high a price. In other words – anythings. Which gives Hamas the cover to demand so much more than what the losing side should. We released 1000 prisoners for one Soldier – Gilad Shalit. One of those was Haniya Sinwar – who is the architect of Oct 7. I too would want anything in return for a kidnapped relative. But what is being asked is future hostages. It’s a hard ask. So the war will continue, and more soldiers will die. And that is the life of Israel right now.

For many years now we have been told that hate is very very bad. That didn’t make hate go away. What happened instead is that once Antisemitism became acceptable again – it exploded everywhere – especially in the West. I’m proud of everyone who fights back, I’m proud of every non Jew who stands with us. I have my own level of hate for Jews who stand against Israel – from the ultra Orthodox Neutai Karta who side with people who would murder them in a moment. To the far left -whos’ progressive religion is more important than the Jews. Such is our life these days.

I have many talents that I have cultivated over the years. And yet, I keep learning. A friend came back and asked me to Serge some items for her. I did it gladly, then she mentioned that she is looking to restring some pearls. I can do that. And I did.

I bought a new tool, an electric bead reamer. I have tried to use my manual one – it’s a piece of garbage.

I know that it is much better to be able to string the first and last pearl twice- rather than have the last knot after the last pearl. So I took my time and ordered an electric reamer.

I tried it first with a glass bead – easy peasy. Then I moved on to the pearls. Nature is so much stronger than man-made. Yes, I had my little bowl of water, because the reamer heats up quickly and must be cooled down often. Here you can see that I reamed through. It took a long time, and often the reamer would stop, because I could feel the pearl getting hot. So I only reamed three pearls. Although I was advice to have at least 2 pearls with double cord, I gave up.

the first two pearls with double cord!!! Yay! I made a knot between the first two, then a knot after the second, put a dab of glue and cut the short tail.

Not a great photo. In my research I found a YouTube that gives really good instructions on getting the knot tight. A problem I often have had. There are one or two points were the knot could have been closer to the pearl – but only I know where that is.

I am thrilled with how smoothly this has worked.

Beautifully done!

Don’t look closely at my neck! The pearls though – are great!

Ready to give to my friend to mail off to her daughter. Yes, I will do this for friends. Other people, I’ll charge you.
