restringing beads

Seen in LA, (not by me.) the license plate is ‘all is good’ in Hebrew. These days not all is good, Biden and co have turned on Israel, they want Hamas to survive, the rest of the world is piling on and antisemitism is raging everywhere. Welcome to 2024.

In my life, things are good.

Doll Donna is home! Real Donna loves everything about her! She said it’s the nicest gift she ever got. Not sure about that, but so glad she loves it.

Here she is, with Aytan, she got him to help with the garden. This is worm soup – she has a compost pile with worms and as it drains – it creates a very very nutritious liquid fertilizer. She is so wonderful with Aytan, he loves walking her dog Sadie.

My friend Ian was in town. He is proof that it takes time for people to mature, but it happens. Ian is the same age as my oldest son. I met him over 15 years ago – a young conservative gay man. Since then he converted to Judaism, joined the Merchant Marines where he has now risen to level of Steward and moved back to S. Carolina where his family is. Oh and he’s gone completely grey. It was a delight having him over for Friday night dinner. It was a delight seeing how well he is doing.

Westley won second place in a chess tournament, all in one day, he played soccer, chess and in the evening – basketball. Love the purple mohawk.

Eyal is quite the builder – really good.

How adorable!

After stringing purls I’m back to jewelry making. Love this image, so I ordered some beads – I hate ordering beads online – you never really get what you expect.

So I raided my own Jewelry drawer for things I’ve made and haven’t worn in a while.

Here is the result, the purls and the pink beads I had bought online, the others are canalized from those other necklaces.

I have a bunch of blue beads, I think I’m going to make the strands longer.


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