More chickens

It happened, 8 years of calling Trump Hilter and someone tried to take him out. Thank God, I mean – God for the miracle that he tilted his head at the right second. Also sort of grateful for this amazing image. I know, the Dems and media are trying to erase it from our memory – so don’t be surprised if I continue to share it from time to time.

For all those who say Trump staged the shooting. Why don’t you talk to the widow and orphans of Corey Comperatore? Heck, potted plant Biden could’t even say his name, which means it wasn’t spelled out for him on the teleprompter. Another man is fighting for his life and others are wounded, but not as seriously.

Anyone on the left paying attention? November is going to be very ugly – I expect Los Angeles to be burning – cuz that is what the left does. Also, no way a 20 year old misfit did this by himself – also erasing all signs of social media before hand. I have no idea who is behind this (Antifa? BLM?) but I don’t believe that Oswald was the planner of the Kennedy assassination either – it takes a lot of planning. but much easier for the media to make this go away if they say misfit lone wolf.

Lets get back to chickens, we had dinner here. They used to do deliveries in this car. No more deliveries – that is the job of door-dash these days.

I made my Kauai chicken, from a pattern called ’emotional support chicken’. hate that name, but it is a great pattern. didn’t buy from Ravelry, went straight to the source, The knitting Tree in Los Angeles.

I used leftover yarn, I am running out of leftover yarn.

Burt gave me this chicken, he doesn’t know he is getting one from me and Aytan, next time I go there.

Yup, I have a flock, no the yarn one doesn’t live outside.

I love his face

Also enjoying the fountain.


Cacti in bloom

I have a wonderful pot shop with many cacti as well. It’s called Jackalope, they used to sell furniture and knickknacks – now it’s just pots and cacti. so imagine my delight seeing this.

and this!

but wait! there is more!

The flowers last a day or two, the fruit a little longer.

I should have taken a picture of the rows and rows of colorful pots. I didn’t. another time.

This is what I bought for my yard to replace the plastic pot I made into a fountain. this one is the reservoir for a fountain, so maybe next year I’ll get a real fountain to place in it. right now, it’s a fountain when the sun shines.

They had two of these adorable chickens. I bought one for me and one for Burt and Marsha, when Aytan gets back from camp, I’ll have him give them their chicken.

Went to see Mike Rowe’s excellent movie: Something to Stand For. it was only playing at Universal CityWalk. Really worth seeing, it was only in select theaters for two weeks. I’m sure it will be streaming somewhere soon.

Citywalk has been through so many iterations, I remember when it was new and shiny. then it became a hangout for a rowdier crowd. So the parking rates shot up, now the parking rates are very reasonable, but some of the shine is off – big chains, both restaurants and shops. Throughout it all, Kong is still here.

This was fun to watch, go flying! yes, there was a line.



Yesterday was the 4th of July. no pictures, busy living life. we got together with 35 of our close friends for a lovely bbq. Our hosts, Bunny and Tom, he is 92, she is 85, and with the help of all of us, they had an amazing party. I don’t dare call today, I think they are probably still sleeping! We ate, we talked, we sang patriotic songs.

Then on the way home, we drove up along Mullholland Dr. to see the Valley ablaze with ‘independent fireworks”. It was hard to drive , the narrow road was packed with cars and people standing there watching the lights flash and the boom-boom-boom! We were by far the oldest people there. The noise went on all night, it sounded like someone was using our street as a launching ground – around midnight. This morning the haze of smoke is laying low over the city.

Its been a while since I’ve shared the puzzles I’ve done, there may be repeats, I don’t know.

Julie and I share puzzles, she gave me this one, 299 dogs and a cat.

the puzzle went to the boys, and their dad said, no looking at the picture. They did it!

A few years ago a friend gave me this puzzle. Took a while for me to start it.

It is always easiest to start with the brightly colored areas.

and it’s done!

A fun one with national parks.

Not my usual 1000 piece, only 500, but something of a challenge.

I gave it to the boys, I think they are on a puzzle hiatus.

another one from Julie.

Yoch and Einav admiring a puzzle.

these kind of puzzles are OK, I enjoy the process, I sort of hate that it is a hodgepodge of images.

Unlike this one, that is from a real Dutch painting. I found this at a thrift store and was a little surprised – pleasantly of course- that there were no missing pieces.

I loved this because of the subject matter, it was challenging. but in a good way. Julie is working on this now, she did say that a challenge is good after simple puzzles.

The last piece to go in was an edge piece. I had some edge pieces in the wrong place, all that black!

My latest, a fun easy puzzle, it is so easy to look at the puzzle pieces and not exactly where they go. Unlike the NYC Library, where there were many many similar areas of the puzzle.

I’ve just heard of another Torah Minyan congregant who is into puzzles, I need to talk to her and see if she wants in on the puzzle rotation.


Flower arranging.

God Bless America. went to see a great movie last night, Mike Rowes’ Something to Stand for. Unfortunately it is leaving the movie theaters. Not sure which streaming service it will end up on.

I love the Torah Minyan so much, we do so many things together outside of services. one of our members was a florist, so he taught us basic floral arrangement.

There he is, Michael in the background. He went to TJs and bought a bunch of bouquets. He is right, sure you can buy individual bunches, but a bouquet is color coordinated and sometimes all it needs is some rearranging.

Michael also brought vases, I happily took the pumpkin shaped one. I have many squares and basic vases. Here is my arrangement, start with greens on the bottom, and then build up – getting differing heights to flowers. Turn, turn, turn, so it looks good from all angles.

Me, with my final arrangement.

We were in Burt and Marshas’ back yard, so those who hadn’t been there before saw the chickens and the lovely garden.

A completely different arrangement, all shades of purple with that yellow as a contrast.

Back home with the flowers.

There were leftover flowers, I took them home and made another arrangement.

Tomorrow it’s off to TJs to get fresh flowers!



Kauai is full of amazing flowers.

This is a tree outside the arboretum. No, I don’t know it’s name, I’ve tried a number of plant identifying apps. One said this is a bougainvillea…. others were too complicated to use and of course asked for money -so sorry, don’t know what this gorgeous tree is.

Love these huge Monsteras.

The plant on the lefft has some bright red berries, on right, a plumeria flower that fell on a huge green leaf, not a mostera, all plants get huge in Hawaii.

Once again, forgot the name, but this is how a plant gets real colorful without flowers, the flowers are probably tiny and almost invisible .

flowers come in interesting shapes.

As well as extremely bright. I think the flowers is actually just the small white flower, the red is just to attract the bugs.

some kind of fruit, not for people of course.

Japanese buoy from the Fukushima area of Japan, took 2 years after hurricane, on the waves of the tsunami to arrive in Kauai. Japan didn’t want it back.

Aytan at sleep away camp! So so Happy!

Wonderful seeing him so happy. Becky had to pick him up to take him to the remove the cast, Aytan was so scared that she was coming to remove him from camp – thankfully he is back and having a wonderful time.

so is Shira! with a friend from camps – they have been going to camp together for years!



I love Americans, its politicians I hate.

Kauai is full of feral chickens. Released after hurricane Iniki 30 years ago. We were there about 8 months after the hurricane, cuz hotel prices were really cheap – didn’t see chickens.

Now they are everywhere, and yes, the crowing of the roosters is just background noise. There are plenty of rooster, each beautiful in his own way, each with a harem of hens.

My friends have beautiful chickens, but no hens. I understand why.

they are on the beaches.

On fences.

on the grass.

A lot of mamas and chicks. And no one is eating them, they are too tough to put in a pot, and I guess its’ not easy finding the eggs, and if you do – you have a nasty rooster to contend with.

run, run! little chicks!

Why did the chicken stand still in the middle of the road? (parking lot), because in Kauai they rule the roost.

Not a chicken, it’s called a cardinal but it isn’t related to the American cardinal.

some really cute chickens.

And a horse.


Not the ocean

We did go on a catamaran trip to see the Napali coast from the ocean, really impressive, but way to wet to risk my phone. so no pictures, go online you’ll see amazing photos. this on is from the other side of those cliffs, and yes, another waterfall.

There are green valley where they grow Taro and yes, in the background you can see water falls.

the town of Waimea is where many of the regular locals live – so nothing glitzy, even the beach looks a little gray.

They do have a nice pier with fishermen, fishermen will always be found on a pier.

Hanapepe is cuter and more touristy than Waimea. Here we have the westernmost bookstore in the United States.

In an antique shop there were quilts, these are from the 70s, when I started quilting – so yeah, I guess I’m an antique.

more quilts, some ‘traditional’ Hawaiian, others bright 70s fabric.

The hanging bridge in Hanapepe, luckily the railings were high and it didn’t really shake, so no problem for me crossing it.

Had to do the Lilo and Stitch photos.

None of us had seen the movie, but I guess the story is based in Hanapepe.

these grandkids sure are cute!



requests for me to care about the plight of Blacks in America are falling on deaf ears. Note Jamal Bowman, who is now screaming about the Joos- spending money and voting to oust him. It worked. So yes, I am impressed when a black man of the left Van Jones, is willing to come out and state the truth. You still won’t see me out there defending ‘the black community’ – and certainly not my mayor select here in Los Angeles.

Everything is so much brighter and intenser in Hawaii – yes it does have to do with being isolated in the middle of the Pacific with extremely clean air and intense light.

There is nothing like the deep blue Pacific Ocean, I could stare at it for hours.

Our two mile hike led us to this cave. Not huge, no stalactites or stalagmites, but fun in any event.

This is the island of waterfalls.

Look at that power!

Waterfalls can lead to rivers. This is the only navigable river on the island, most waterfalls either drop directly to the ocean or the river created is just too short and choppy.

There is the blowhole, very mesmerizing.

Once again, video shows much more.

Northern most point of the Hawaiian Islands.

It has been a long time since I’ve actually visited a lighthouse, mostly its’ pictures from afar.


Vacation in Kauai

While on vacation, the Hamanazis attacked the Jews in Los Angeles. Yes, I’m sharing the picture of someone bloodied. this was no peaceful protest. They hid their faces, they hit people hard, they used bear spray – and the police didn’t do much. Our Mayor select gave some stupid statement but told the police to stand down – so a lot of people got hurt. What isn’t mentioned in the media (if they mention the incident at all) is that the Jews now have a private security firm and they were out in force. Jews are fighting back. Oh and btw, for the rest of you sitting back saying it doesn’t affect you – it will.

We took our middle son and his family to Kauai for a week. a very well deserved vacation.

On the flight there, Westley being goofy.

I love being Leid.

There was beach time and pool time. I got no pictures of the pool, because the ocean is beyond beautiful.

Took a hike along the ocean

The walk ended at an interesting cave. A place I had never seen before.

The kids bought license plates – Westleys’ says: they couldn’t find my name. Both Joel and Leah were represented – but we didn’t buy them for ourselves.

Wonderful waterfalls.

Of course we had to have shaved ice!


More time with grandkids

Guess which side of the equation college students in the Western world support? Yup, murderous Hamas. these days they aren’t even taking about Palestine – they are just out there screaming for support of anyone who murders Jews.

We had these two for a weekend, but I didn’t get pictures. Here they are at their own home cutting up a salad for dinner – which was yummy!

Then we had these two, and of course made pancakes. I just love Eyal’s side eye, he doesn’t like to smile for the camera.

A friend gave Einav a cooking set with this cute apron.

we went to Burt and Marsha, fed chickens and worked in the garden. Picking carrots and potatoes! Burt was amazed how well the potatoes grew – he thought they had died. so that was a nice surprise.

carrot, I think this was fed to the chickens.

Another carrot, oh yeah, the kids did go in the pool, but the pool was rather cold.

It is so wonderful having friends with an urban garden!

A blue heron! I’ve seen the white ones but one like this? an unusual visitor

funky duck on one leg.
