The Southeastern Seaboard.

For some reason, the lefties think they own the creative arts. I was kicked off Ravelry years ago for voting for Trump. I can hardly listen to any creative podcast – cuz they are lefties. I stopped following a number of people on IG – cuz they celebrate Hamas and the murder of Jews. So I am thrilled to have found some Jews who craft and support Israel and Jews worldwide.

Gorgeous Savannah. The squares, with live oaks, Spanish moss.

Beauty abounds.

We were so lucky with the weather. No humidity, I even had to wear my sweater.

A gorgeous fountain in one of the many squares.

Just beautiful.

A lot of American flags.

I saw three Israeli flags on houses, only got two pictures. What is more important – not a single Pali flag anywhere, not even on the many SCAD (Savannah college of art and Design) buildings all over the city.

The wisteria was in full bloom. flower boxes abounded.

The Cathedral Spires. Didn’t go in, it was Easter weekend, so it was closed to non catholics. Did have a tour in the synagogue more on that later.

Broughton Street is always busy, and this is just one of the SCAD buildings around town. If you see the sign Leopolds’ that is the best ice cream around.

We got a tip from our guides. Skip the line, walk in like you own the place, pick up a pint from the freezer and pay – so you don’t have a cone, you have a pint or more if you like.

We also got c00kies from Byrds. Yes, I took the bag home, the cookies are bite size. there are many choices. all yummy


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