Granville Shirt

I am sewing garments again!!  The Granville shirt by Sewaholic.  I have a number of button down shirt patterns, so I”m not sure why I spent $18 to buy this paper pattern. I like the big four pattern companies and often the independents aren’t worth the extra money.

Well Tasia really knows her stuff. Her patterns are well written and have interesting details that put them above your average pattern.

P1070731Most patterns give you the simplest of plackets, not Tasia.  I have tried to draft this placket on my own, with moderate success so it’s a pleasure to simply have it included and of course, I can transfer it to any other cuffed blouse as well.P1070733If you look closely you can see that there is a separate buttonhole band on the right side of the shirt, but the left is simply interfaced and turned. P1070734My serger is in the shop. Grrrrr! Of course it needs parts that are backordered.  This is what I hate about bringing a machine in for a repair, invariably something is wrong (I do work my machines very hard) and of course the part has to be ordered, often taking months to arrive.  So I made French seams instead of simply serging them. Yes, they are nice and clean and very professional looking.

And now for the fit. People talk about pattern fit all the time, sometimes you will find a company or style that works just fine with no alterations. This is why people tell you to make a muslin. Well I didn’t make a muslin, but I did make some adjustments after the fact.P1070694There is nice shaping at the waist here. Problem for me is that the bottom of the shirt is simply too wide and to my eye, not flattering on me.P1070697I just feel the shirt should be a little tighter on my body.P1070728The sleeves are a little long, but folding back the cuffs just looks messy.  You can see here how the shirt has too much fabric and even tucked in it’s bunching up.

I did some hacking, as in I took off some fabric from the side seams. I may have take a little too much, since now the shirt bunches up a bit in the back. P1070741Don’t know what’s up with my hair, it’s not that windy.  You can see that the fit is better.P1070746I figured if I keep the cuff buttoned and just fold it up half way, I’m fine.  I will probably shorten the sleeve in the pattern.

Yes, I will make this shirt again, I like a nice button down shirt.  As a quilter, I clearly have to combine more than one fabric, but that makes it my shirt.  And I really hope to get my serger back soon, I have some knit shirts and dresses I really want to make.


2 thoughts on “Granville Shirt”

  1. I bought that pattern too! 🙂

    The contrasting fabric is my favorite part of your shirt. And good job with the French seams. They always look nice, but take me forever to sew, so I rarely do them haha

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