Echo Park Lake

From new park to old,  120 years old, which is quite old for Los Angeles.

Anyone driving north on the 101 past downtown has seen the lake with it’s massive aerating fountain whiz by.  For years I never dared stop, Echo Park was a gang ridden scary area.  But then gentrification arrived and the city closed the lake for a few years in order to drain it, clean it and spruce it up. Echo Park lakeOne thing the lake is known for is the water lilies, there is even a festival every June, The Lotus Festival. This takes place every June, I don’t know how many flowers are blooming then, they are blooming now. P1070663Even on an overcast weekday, people come out to enjoy the park.P1070666I love how the reflections in the water make this look like a painting, hey maybe Monet was influenced in a similar manner.P1070691I can understand why Asian cultures revere the lotus, from murky origins comes such an etherial delicate flower.  Similar to very different plants – cacti and succulents, that are harsh yet produce beautiful flowers.P1070681Another form of water flower, if it weren’t in the middle of the lake, I’d think this is a day lily or iris.P1070672This bridge is closed to the public, but is part of the original lake.  the lake was created as a reservoir, something we really need in our arid Mediterranean climate.P1070677The Queen of Angels, or as she is better known the Lady of the Lake is back in her original location.P1070680Yup, another view of downtown with the famous aerating fountain in the foreground.

Bird life flourishes here. P1070686Of course, many ducks, like the mallard.P1070690So comfortable here that they sleep out in the open in broad daylight.Grey Heron at Echo Park LakeA little rarer but still very comfortable and at home here is the grey heron.P1070671Yes, he was hiding, but I must have a good eye at seeing these hidden birds.P1070684Sorry, I can’t help it,  I’m loving how good my pictures of flowers have gotten, I just have to share.P1070667Even if I’ve already shared this flower.


2 thoughts on “Echo Park Lake”

  1. I’ve always loved Echo Park Lake. One of my old boyfriends, in the 1980s, lived one block from the lake with a gorgeous view from his kitchen. I never minded washing dishes when I was there. The area was never THAT gang-ridden, only after 2 am. Basically, Echo Park has always been a family area. Your floral photos are beautiful. I can’t wait to get over there to see the lotuses.

    1. Ellen, years ago I bought into the hype about gangs in LA, since then I’ve discovered that LA is a very friendly place if you are friendly yourself and so have been exploring much more.

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