The Theater at the Ace Hotel, revisited.

Last year we saw the movie Back to the Future at the newly reopened Theater at the Ace hotel. Of course I took pictures that were somewhat blurry.  Recently I had the chance to return, during the day which a small group of people.P1060962A bright sunny day, from the outside the building with it’s Gothic design elements.P1060963From the street, pointing straight up one can see the tower, shiny and renovated. Once again, you need to get a little further away to see the tower better.

Theaters inside are always dark, so it’s not like my pictures this time are so much better.P1060965The details of the images are better.To be honest, while in the building, you hardly notice the details for all the gothic exuberance around you.P1060996Entering the theater itself.  I took these pictures a few months ago. I didn’t use a flash, that would have washed everything out, so I’m thinking that the light was more blue, not so purple.P1060975I’m pretty sure this is more of that wonderful Gladding McBean glazed terra cotta embellishments. Here used on the balcony inside.P1060977One thing that never ceases to amaze is this skylight. P1060978Made up of thousands of circles of glass embedded in some kind of mortar.P1060982Seeing a movie here is fun, but looking at all the decorations is overwhelming. So much to see.

So here is my plug, go sign up for the LA Conservancy Broadway Tour, no you can’t just walk up and join this one. The management at the Ace hotel is thrilled to open the theater to the public and one way of getting inside and see the details is to go on this tour. Other tours get in here as well, but I’m plugging the Conservancy tour. No I don’t give this specific one, but I do know it is really good. P1070001Stepping outside, two different types of graffiti, yarn bombing and applying stickers.  Yarn bombing used to be very new and subversive, it is now simply another form of graffiti on our streets.  At least once removed it doesn’t leave any residue.

And of course, one can’t  have images of this building without this.P1070005For many years Reverend Scott used the theater as his Church, and this sign was visible from many different angles in downtown. Today is proudly sits right over the swimming pool. P1070003And casts a wonderful shadow on the neighboring buildings.



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