
Kauai is full of amazing flowers.

This is a tree outside the arboretum. No, I don’t know it’s name, I’ve tried a number of plant identifying apps. One said this is a bougainvillea…. others were too complicated to use and of course asked for money -so sorry, don’t know what this gorgeous tree is.

Love these huge Monsteras.

The plant on the lefft has some bright red berries, on right, a plumeria flower that fell on a huge green leaf, not a mostera, all plants get huge in Hawaii.

Once again, forgot the name, but this is how a plant gets real colorful without flowers, the flowers are probably tiny and almost invisible .

flowers come in interesting shapes.

As well as extremely bright. I think the flowers is actually just the small white flower, the red is just to attract the bugs.

some kind of fruit, not for people of course.

Japanese buoy from the Fukushima area of Japan, took 2 years after hurricane, on the waves of the tsunami to arrive in Kauai. Japan didn’t want it back.

Aytan at sleep away camp! So so Happy!

Wonderful seeing him so happy. Becky had to pick him up to take him to the remove the cast, Aytan was so scared that she was coming to remove him from camp – thankfully he is back and having a wonderful time.

so is Shira! with a friend from camps – they have been going to camp together for years!


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