
I love Americans, its politicians I hate.

Kauai is full of feral chickens. Released after hurricane Iniki 30 years ago. We were there about 8 months after the hurricane, cuz hotel prices were really cheap – didn’t see chickens.

Now they are everywhere, and yes, the crowing of the roosters is just background noise. There are plenty of rooster, each beautiful in his own way, each with a harem of hens.

My friends have beautiful chickens, but no hens. I understand why.

they are on the beaches.

On fences.

on the grass.

A lot of mamas and chicks. And no one is eating them, they are too tough to put in a pot, and I guess its’ not easy finding the eggs, and if you do – you have a nasty rooster to contend with.

run, run! little chicks!

Why did the chicken stand still in the middle of the road? (parking lot), because in Kauai they rule the roost.

Not a chicken, it’s called a cardinal but it isn’t related to the American cardinal.

some really cute chickens.

And a horse.


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