Passover 2022

In 2020, we had one of our sons over at the house, everyone else simply zoomed in. It was awful.

2021 all the kids and grandkids here – SO MUCH Better.

2022 – the whole family plus guests, it was chaotic, noisy and messy – just the way a seder should be.

setting the tables.

This year there was also a kids table to make room for more guests.

This massive thing, that does look like a schlong is actually a horseradish root. My father used to grate it. I just buy the bottles, and have this out on display.

On the seder plate. Notice how much bigger it is than the ‘shank-bone’. I have no idea what part of the cow this is – my kosher market was full of these. Unfortunately what they didn’t have was liver for chopped liver. My DIL found some, at $7 a pound. I would have paid that had I found it. I actually had some saved in the freezer, but it got freezer burn and although I made a batch – it tasted off – so into the trash it went. No chopped liver. I have stopped the tradition of eggs in salt water – ugh, and this is probably the last year I serve gefilte fish.

The brisket was amazing

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, I used Alison Romans’ recipe, with vinegar and onions – yum, nothing left at all. I really had hardly any leftovers, and no one complained about being hungry – so I must have hit the sweet spot this. year.

I like arranging my own flowers, Joel went to Jons’ our local Armenian market, all he could find were Easter flowers, in this house that works.

I got a lot of flowers. My in-law Pat, showed up! this is West and Cams other grandma. She had been in Hawaii, her husband and friends continued on home to Florida, she realized that she can’t stopover in LA and not see the grandkids – so she hopped off the flight. Another family came, Yoch and I had met Melissa and her daughter Flory at swim lessons. She is originally from Haiti, her husbands’ dad was Jewish and they really wanted to experience a Seder. Ian sang along to every song – he remembered the Seders his grandfather used to have. They had an amazing experience. Basically I told people just to bring flowers – and they did!

Sarah and Vadim brought these wonderful coaster they made, made from old travel poster from Israel. I love them.

I asked Mandy to buy gifts for the kids for the afikoman – she did a fabulous job. A doll for Einav – she is all girl, loves her beby. Soccer balls and sidewalk chalk.

I was expecting a lot more chalk markings on the driveway.

Poor Cameron fell and face planted while kicking the ball in the dark, he’s fine. Oh and Westley, unaided climbed our huge ficus tree.

I’m doing it right this year, planted the tomatoes in a pot six weeks ago and look what I already have! baby tomatoes.

And now, off to Hawaii with Yish, Yoch and the kids!


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