Polishing the silver

I can see how this blog must be getting very boring for people. So I make things, sometimes walk the neighborhood and now I’m polishing silver. That is what life is like under lockdown. And with crime on the rise and our new DA deciding that we are the criminals and he won’t prosecute actual crime. I won’t be venturing downtown or other areas were being gentrified but now will slide back into hell-holes. So it’s the small things I do at home.

First of all, Happy Chanukah. My roses always give me a final hurrah every December. They do look nice with the Hanukkiah. Thank God, I’ll be seeing the kids and even going to friends one night.

About once a year I polish my silver. Yeah, it would be better to do it more often, but I don’t. Here are my Shabbat candle stick. See how lovely it is to have them polished. Oxygen is what allows life, it also causes tarnish on silver.

Look how beautiful! Once I finished the candlesticks I moved on to other silver. I inherited some from my grandmother, I also got a few pieces as wedding presents.

That was over 40 years ago, not sure that silver is a gift that is given any more.

At work, polishing the silver coffee set from my grandmother. I’ve never used it. It does have an input for an electrical cord. It is beautiful, it deserves more than once a year shining.

There is the sugar bowl, all shined up.

And the creamer, and the try. Btw, my candlesticks are rather cheap, so thin. This set and the tray are massive and are probably solid silver. So yes, there are some tarnish spots that may have eaten through, but I could work harder and probably eliminate them as well.

I am blessed to have a number of items from my grandmothers. Not a lot, and that is fine. I have no idea if my kids or grandkids will be interested in any of these heirlooms. Right now they are mine and I love them.

The tray and butter dish were wedding gifts. Actually I think we traded in something for the butter dish. The cobalt blue insert for the salt dish was lost long ago, but the other salt shaker works. And that little cup was gifted to me as a baby.

It took hours, to polish, but like my other handwork, it was quite relaxing.


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