Stitching for sanity

Our overlords are locking everyone down. Average people are out and about, small business is being completely destroyed. I needed dinner last night and I’m sorry to say I went to a chain. I should have gone to one of the small local owned restaurants. Now Nail and hair salons are being closed again. How to demoralize a population in 10 easy steps.

Took the grandkids to the park. Yup, they have fenced in the playground, so the rest of the park was packed with people. Two older boys climbed the fence and were on the swings. My two just joined in with other kids to play. no masks on my guys or on some of the other kids. The insanity of government control has gone too far.

So I sit and stitch. I am now finding the floss tube, others who share their needle work. Unfortunately I found one cute young gay guy who does beautiful work. I started one of his uploads ‘I’m going political’ he said. Bye Felicia! I have plenty of political You Tubes (soon to be on Rumble, since You Tube will block them). Thank Goodness there are creatives out there who just share their creativity. Ah you will say, but you Leah are now sharing politics. Yeah, 6 people follow me. This is more of a diary than a voice to the masses.

A look at the back. I’ve seen discussions of how the back must look perfect. I remember this idea from when I was first taught to embroider at age 6. But, unlike the Chinese, who had the most delicate embroidery done with silk on the finest of silk, there will always be a front and a back. Meanwhile those Chinese used little girls to do the embroidery, and they were blind by the age of 10.

So as far as I can see, my back is beautiful, neat and orderly.

I had to frog, or actually rip out a lot of stitches. Not sharing images of that, but it is so easy to make mistakes, and when I do, it can really throw things off balance. And yet, I do love how great this is looking.

Every night I knit, a lot of frogging going on here as well, but the sweater is growing as well. Can’t wait to wear it.

Bless my son in law. He put up a Hanukkah decoration. Since as I mentioned, few people see my posts. I share images of the grandkids here. Not many out on my social media, because rightfully so, my kids don’t want that out in public. There is hardly anything public about this space.


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