On the bed and working on the label

Here it is! On the bed. Ok, I see that I could have made it one row wider. Well, I didn’t this is what it is.

It looks very good, but, it’s still too hot. as soon as I finished taking these pictures, I folded the quilt up. It will probably be another month before I sleep under this. I do have to say, I LOVE how this quilt came out.

I keep thinking that I should make a different wall quilt. Those owls have been there for 12 years. I could make a different wall quilt. Though, right now, I’m taking a break from quilting.

An artistic shot. I bet, the quilt will be in this position often. I’m not very good at actually making the bed…

And now, on to the label. I want to name this quilt in a way that reflects the period of pandemic and violent riots. To call it the Chinese Flu, or the beginning of civil war. Not so much. So I turned to poetry. Rudyard Kipling to be exact.

I’m going with cross-stitch. Go back to my post about Kipling, I didn’t mention the poem The Gods of the Copybook Headings. So I’m mentioning it here. Take the time to go read it. It speaks very clearly of the hubris of mankind, how modernity will often think that because of progress in the economic or industrial areas means that the the moral issues can go by the way side. It also means that we think that the ‘old’ maladies such as disease will no longer affect us.

I ended up finding a font I liked and literally hand drafting what I wanted. At least I had the company of a very good convention that ended with fireworks and beautiful songs. What we’ve all missed on the Fourth of July, fireworks, and live concerts.

I’ve been enjoying the cross-stitch, I am now looking at borders or some kind of image to add.

I should explain the title of the poem, since it is archaic. Back in the 19th c. and early 20th c. students would practice their handwriting. In doing so they would have copybooks, in which they would write a sentence over and over. Each page had a heading, hence the copybook headings. These were all basic, common sense saying. That two and two are four (today we are being told that that is not so). That all that glitters is not gold.

So I will end with the last stanza of this poem. Yes my quilt is bright and colorful, and yes, I recognize that once again, the Gods of the copybook headings are back to claim their due.

“As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man—
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:—
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return! “


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