Spring and roses

Taking hikes in spring this year offers beautiful views, many flowers and hay fever if you are afflicted by that.

Looking down at the San Fernando Valley from Dirt Mulholland. There is about a 6 mile stretch that wasn’t paved and part of it is closed to vehicles. A wonderful place to walk.

Looking towards the city side. It may be that the approach to these mega homes is actually from the valley somehow. Who knows, the is quite an estate there.

Man waiting for dog, with a yellow backdrop. His dog saw an animal, maybe a rabbit and just took off. That is what that dog does, later, we saw the man with his dog, it’s just part of their weekend routine.

Indian paintbrush is starting to bloom.

A lone CA poppy among the wheat.

Orange on orange, more poppies next to fire hydrant. Btw, I’ve noticed some areas along the freeways that now have the poppies popping. Go figure, this year the season is so much longer than before.

I promised roses, so here we go, no more words, just images of roses. Enjoy.


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