It’s that time of year again

September, October can be some of the hottest months in Los Angeles. While we shiver in the damp cold marine layer in June, we get the Santa Ana winds from the east in the fall – and the temperatures soar.p1160761So it’s the arrival of Halloween decorations.p1160757Strange flowers on the cactus…p1160758As well as their interesting fruit, that lets us know fall is here.p1160759One neighbor was in such a rush, they started decorating in mid September.p1160760I still can’t resist a cute owl, be he part of out door decorations…p1160764or for sale on a pillow at Pier One.p1160763There are the buildings that are always there, like these Russian onion domes on a 1960’s building on Ventura Blvd. There used to be a Russian night club here, now I think it’s a Chinese restaurant. At least the color fits in with fall.p1160770Big happy pumpkins!  I think I’m going to avoid the ghoulish decor this year. Too much murder, mayham and terror in the real world, I don’t need to pretend.p1160768There are always those who keep their standard decor, no matter the changing seasons.


Souvenir sewing.

p1160614I bought this fabric to make Joel another Hawaiian shirt. It’s been two years since I’ve made him one. It’s time to retire some of the old ones.img_5711Souvenir yarn or fabric are loads of fun. Rather than buying a tchotchke that collects dust and nothing else, making something useful makes the memories last even longer.

I know, I keep on taking pictures of collars, that is because I am very very pleased with how my collars are coming out these days.p1160749I am also able to use the five thread serger! It sews a clean chain stitch as well as serging the edges neatly all in one go! I rarely use this function because if I need to make changes, it’s a little harder to do. Since I know this pattern so well, not a problem here!p1160734Making this shirt is takes only a few hours. The collar takes the most time.  Even setting the sleeves in is easy, since they are so big and roomy. There is no easing or inset sewing.p1160738Although the fabric was purchased on Maui, all the references are to Oahu, oh well, it’s Hawaii.p1160740What you’ve been waiting for, the model. Hangers just aren’t the same.p1160743My camera is acting up, I’m not getting good focus. I may need to have it looked at. Yikes! Have I worn it out with all my pictures?p1160744Looking good! Especially the model!p1160742Next, my own souvenir shirt!


Baby kisses, done!

As I was working on this quilt I learned that a friend is having a baby girl soon. The thing about quilts is that even though there is a lot of work involved, giving them away isn’t that hard since I know it will be used.p1160629I have been working with rulers, it’s not that easy. I need a different type of foot, but I’m just not sure what I can use on my Juki. I’m using the Westlee foot right now, it’s ok, but the machine is skipping stitches like crazy! So I had to move the quilt in all kinds of directions to prevent that, that is not what free motion quilting is supposed to be like.p1160633I left the white in the blocks empty and did swirls and diamonds in the sashing. No, I didn’t use the ruler for the diamond shapes. I can see that the lines are wonky, doubt anyone else can.p1160635Simple little flower in the center block.p1160634I have to thank Angela Walters for the dot to dot quilting class, where I learned how to incorporate these diamonds, without marking.p1160630I tried a new batting, cotton is lovely but it is heavy. So I used Quilters Dream polyester. Next time I want polyester, I’m going with Hobbs or some other simple brand. The scrim was so tight on this batting, it weighs as much as cotton, without the flexibility.  Yes, I have ordered wool and will be using wool batting. I hear it’s wonderful, of course, I don’t think I will use it for baby quilts. It can hold up to the washing, but I don’t think it’s worth the expense for me.p1160637A little girl will get this so the back is pieced with pinks! p1160638This is a new label, it’s cute, it is iron on, I’m not thrilled. At least it’s there. Sorry about the smudge on the pink triangle, that is where I will write the name and birth date of the baby when she arrives.p1160636There is a breeze here, so why fight it, just capture the image of the quilt blowing.p1160640An artistic shot.p1160643I still have this funky hippo, at some point he too will be gifted, right now he is just a very cute prop.


Final Maui

A tropical paradise isn’t without manmade things. Sorry, I couldn’t handle just the forest and the beach, I need my man-made comforts.p1160390Love old lighthouses. They really don’t make them like this anymore. First of all, GPS has changed everything. Second of all, even if they are putting a light out for sailors, it tends to just be a very bright light on a tower, no more lighthouse keepers, it’s all electronic.p1160364The only way to get here was by boat, fishermen of all kinds showed up, stayed and repurposed their mastheads.p1160363Once settled, it was time to build buildings…p1160362That sort of create an interesting jumble on the wharf.p1160489Since many of the early American settlers were missionaries, of course, they built churches.p1160478Then they started large plantations, with sugarcane, later adding other tropical fruits. The last of the sugarcane production is happening now, soon this will be a part of the past, no more sugarcane on Hawaii.

Tropical Plantation has adapted very well to the changes. Yes, they still have agriculture but they rely heavily on the tourist industry now.p1160471Much of the old machinery is just decorative.p1160477Even the old coffee mills.p1160529A new industry that is thriving is the Hallimaille Distillery. Using two oldQuonsett huts left over from WWII, and local sugar – vodka and rum are being produced. Now, they will have to import the sugar. But the pineapple is still being grown next door.p1160537Sammy Hager has his signiture rums produced right here.p1160527In order to increase revenue, the distillery imports Kentucky bourbon and ages it further with their vodka.


I love


Updating knitting equipment

I’m back to knitting a shawl, Waiting for Rain. I’m using the yarn I bought specifically for this project at Beehive in Victoria. Loving the yarn. Also loving the pattern, this is one of the new superstars that many people are knitting. p1160403It is wonderful to have so many creative knitters how there who actually come up with a new way of knitting a shawl. This is a crescent shaped shawl, knit mostly with garter stitch and some lace inserts.p1160651The Norwegian super wash yarn is just yummy to knit with. Smooth, soft, yet shows great stitch definition.

Knitting a lace pattern means using stitch markers – a lot of them.  Stitch markers are like socks – always getting lost. I have been making my own for a while, it was time to replenish the supply.p1160645Here is the newest batch. Yay for Michaels! They are constantly updating their supplies. So the cute beads with jump-ring attached are the perfect decoration. Just open the jump-ring, put on earring and voila! Double purpose, stitch markers and in case of emergency – earrings.p1160646The beaded marker is one that I made two years ago. Same earring hardware, but I wire wrapped the bead myself. It’s fun to change out the decoration. The nice thing about these wires is that they open and close, so I can move the marker around whenever I need. They also slip along easily on the needle. The decoration isn’t just for looks, the bead makes the marker more visible and easy to find.p1160649Just a look at a pile of markers. There are the standard Clover ‘diaper pins’, a few store bought makers that are similar but in metal.  My earrings, as well as some closed markers that are simply wire-wrapped beads with a large loop. These are very good for a continuous lace pattern where there never is any change in the number of stitches in a repeat. I’ve lost a lot of those, really don’t know how and don’t know where.p1160650Culling the herd. These markers are being banished to a drawer. I won’t throw them away in case I need them in an emergency. The way I lose markers, that is bound to happen soon.

The marker with the horse may be cute, but oh so impractical. The horse constantly snagged on yarn – very bad.

The large marker was fine for big needles, but the bead is big and heavy.

The earrings are the wrong style. When my friend Brenda mentioned using earring wires as stitch markers, I jumped on the idea. I didn’t think it through and I bought these which do not slide easily on the needles. Live and learn.imageStarting the next lace section, separating out the repeats.  It’s fun with these little jewels, may need to make another batch.





Aytan asked me for a dinosaur costume.p1160265I found one! I ordered it from an etsy seller, but latter I saw that Simplicity still prints this one. I can highly recommend it.  Together we went to Joan’s and Aytan chose the fabric, green of course.img_5606He is an impatient little fellow, he thought I could wip it up in an hour. Of course he was happy to help stuff the tail. He was unhappy to go home without the costume.p1160267The scales are made from felt, I added strong interfacing, I really want them to stand on their own.p1160268A very well designed costume. with claws on the feet and a seperate hood. There also are gloves, but I skipped those. He will need the use of his hands.p1160270It was a hot summer day when I finished this. Let’s hope it is cool on Halloween.p1160286A very happy Aytan!  He immediately put it on and started roaring. Saba Joel does a good job roaring even without the costume.p1160281First it was a run around the yard.img_5616Then he took his matching dinosaur puppet and we had to go for a walk to the park.p1160288People stopped and looked, which was fine. Aytan just told them that it’s not dark yet, but soon it will be and it will be Halloween.p1160289I like the elastic under the shoe, it did help the foot stay in place.p1160295I just love this dinosaur proudly walking around.

Yes, there was a meltdown the next day when he couldn’t wear the costume to school. Luckily, soccer started that weekend and a new interest started. No, he hasn’t forgotten about the dinosaur, there is simply fun things in life to keep him busy.


Where the mammals at?

eI didn’t forget them, the post just got a little long. img_5639First, we have Stu, the resort cat.  He really reminds me of our old cat Mina, also a tux, also had a clip in her left ear.img_1018He really must have reminded Joel of Mina, because he brought out a saucer of milk. I sort of feel sorry for the next guests, Stu will be hovering outside their back door. Well, maybe the previous guests fed him, cuz he was hanging out long before Joel gave him milk.

On the Eastern side of the island, there are a lot of feral cats these days. The problems of islands, all it takes is a male and a female to be released and you have a population of feral cats. Ask Australia, I know it’s a continent but read up about their rabbit problem.

p1160594On the southern tip we saw a family of goats. I think they belong to someone, it’s just easier to let them out to graze.p1160609They didn’t let us approach, but they didn’t show any fear either.

I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture of Oliver, the resident dog at Java Jazz. I am very happy that my friends followed my posts on FB and told us about this fun restaurant. Persian, meets American with great live music every night. And Oliver, the sweetest dog. I was enjoying the place, so didn’t take pictures.p1160579The remains of a crab, someone had a good meal.p1160591Someone else has a good sense of humor. Down at La Pareuse bay are the lava fields. This area looks much more like the Big Island, the last lava flow on Maui, 1790.  It is common to create ‘art’ with coral on the black lava rock. The apple was a very nice touch, any closer to the goats and they would be up there eating it.p1160450Speaking of human creativity, it can be found all over the island.p1160361Often it’s man and nature, the railings in Lahaina are man made of course, but sun, sea, and wind are taking their toll on the railings.imageTiki torches are everywhere and are really part of the feel of Maui.img_5655The sunsets are amazing, I have plenty of pictures, but really, who wants to see all my sunset photos, this one is special, Joel, Craig and a glass of beer. This really captures the essence of the week.

Probably will be one more post on Maui, it is quite hard to edit myself. Then again, I don’t want to be like the old days, when people invite you over to see their 600 slides from one vacation.


Flowers and birds on Maui

p1160522Hawaiian Fabrics are full of tropical imagery. They actually see these plants all around them, and not in hot house pots.p1160504In this case, the leaf is much more interesting than the flower.p1160516Another example of colorful leaves.p1160518The ginger plant has many interesting flowers.p1160508Other flowers are tiny, yet beautiful.p1160525And then there is fruit, the mighty pineapple.img_5645Sugarcane as a crop is over, most of the agricultural land will have a wider variety of crops. Luckily  the mighty pineapple is going strong.p1160486The coffee bean, most plantations are on the Big Island, this one is just decorative.p1160496Then there is lichen that thrives in these wet humid conditions.p1160440Trees that are doing their part to erode the lava rock.p1160483Onto the fauna, geckos thrive, thought this was the first time I saw this little jewel.p1160488Not all chickens are brightly colored.p1160558Some shore birds also favor being dark.p1160476This fellow was on a manmade pond, I don’t know if he is a local wild bird or not, but you can see the orange koi fish in the pond behind him.

No I didn’t see the famous Nene bird, only lives up on Haleakala, and one cold morning was enough for me.


I Love Linen

p1160298I finished the linen sweater. Here it is, a little shapeless, a little crunchy with all kinds of wonky stitches.p1160299A lot of unevenness going on. Some people don’t like to knit with unwashed linen, they say it hurts their hands. Some cotton can do that to me, linen – never, even if it stays stiff as I knit, it warms up in my hands.p1160330After  the washer,dryer and steam blocking, look how even the stitches are. They have bloomed a little and have relaxed into place, no more jagged look, as if I had knit with twine.p1160300The ends have softened  considerably. You can see how the ends are soft and crinkled, I find it easier to weave in the ends after the wash. I had tied a knot when I added the new color, so I wasn’t worried about any unraveling.p1160301This artistic image is the dryer lint – that is a lot of lint from one sweater. I will wash it again soon, to soften it further, I doubt I’ll get this much fuzz.p1160325The color blocking worked beautifully.p1160322Yes, the bottom edge is jagged, I cast off very loosely. Seeing these pictures made me realize how unprofessional it looks. Although I didn’t take another picture, I did remove and re-cast off. Much nicer now.p1160316I LOVE linen. Much more than cotton. Sure cotton breathes and is a good warm weather fiber, but it is heavy – especially when spun into yarn and knit into a sweater. Linen is also plant based, it is made from cellulose – but for some reason, it doesn’t have the weight of cotton. p1160326These days I can hardly wear synthetics, I’m not allergic in that I don’t get a rash. But synthetics rob me of my body heat. A linen sweater like this will retain my body heat and keep me warm. Not like wool of course, but for those times when I’m a little chilly, like summer nights – linen will keep me warm. If I wear something like this on a hot day, it will breathe and not suffocate me like synthetics do.p1160328I knew  when I started knitting this that I’d probably need a camisole, I was right. The elongated stitches are very transparent, but to be honest, the whole sweater is. I tend to run cold these days, even in summer, so I don’t mind a camisole, and once it gets chillier, even a long sleeve t-shirt will be nice.p1160329The only yarn that has any real yardage left is pink. I am so happy that I finally put this linen to good use! I find that as I get older I want my garments to be simpler. Gone are the days of everything but the kitchen sink.2466210878_a1ea997246_nLike this linen sweater I made 8 years ago. The cables, the peplum, the bell sleeves. I love the color, I love the feel of the fabric, but it’s just too much. I guess that is a product of getting older.  Works for me, I’m enjoying the journey.
