Back to puzzles

Sharing my neighbors hard work.

I have about 4-5 puzzles I haven’t made, during the lockdown I always had a puzzle in the works on the dining room table. But with the world opening up and having guests over most weeks, I had nowhere to puzzle. Sure, I have that black map, but moving around a puzzle is a sure way to lose pieces. something I am really good at.

This year my son gave me another puzzle. Enough! I have a large great room, there is plenty of space for a puzzle table. And so I bought myself one. It is a folding table, so it can be put away. As you can tell, the first puzzle I made is this Norman Rockwell picture.

I checked out Amazon, Wayfare and then the puzzle website – Its and Pieces. Good price for a nice folding table. I like to sort out my pieces by color – it helps. Only problem is that sometimes an edge piece gets lost in there.

There is recognizable color blocking, it is 1000 pieces, but felt very doable. I always start with the border. And often, I have to shift pieces around, so before the border is actually finished I will go on to something like the signature.

The painting is called The Shiner – you can see how proud this girl was of winning a fight – especially since she has the black eye as a memento.

I find it very relaxing to put together puzzles. Sure I love the cross-stitching, but I need to give my hands a rest.

I had a very good helper, Cam preferred the lego, although he did put in a few pieces.

This is where I was before Westley came to help

This is what we accomplished together.

Getting closer, what is left is the hard part, slight changes in tone – but basically all the same color. At this point I am taking a piece and just trying it everywhere. Once I get closer to the end, it is easier to fit in the pieces.

Done! Leaving it out for a day or two, then I’ll pick another puzzle. I was talking to a friend who also puzzles – we are going to exchange our finished projects. My son has a large collection, apparently at his library they have an area for puzzle exchanges. Great Idea!


Solomons Temple is done!!

The Jews are beginning to show up and realize what side they are on. Stephen Frys’ embracing his Judaism. His mothers family left Germany in the 30s’, even on his fathers side, there are some Jews. As someone who embraces every Jew who isn’t a Hamas loving antisemite – I’ll just say this – he is so smart and bright -there has to be some Jewish there. I know, what a racist thing to say – I can live with that.

My Hanukkah gift from Joel arrived, a gold Magen David necklace, for size, next to a nickel. Love it, I have a number of stars, but I’ll be wearing this one for a while.

I am completely done with the stitching!!!! It is gorgeous, it was worth the 9 months to get here!

A few days ago I was here.

This is MarkupXP at the end. Says I still have 249 stitches to do. I don’t, I love using this program, but I know when I’m finished. If some stitches didn’t get marked, or were mismarked – so be it. I’m not wasting my time to make the program get to 100%. Its a tool, the important thing is that the actual stitching is done.

Some closeups. I was watching the floss tube from Jean at The Attic. She was talking about stitching words over one on 40 or 46 count linen. Perfect timing!!! Her suggestion, tent stitch. Which means just one stitch, not the full cross, I made sure to angle the tent stitch in the direction of the top of my crosses.

Beautiful, legible and not hard. Something to remember if I decide to do another chart that asks for Over one. Btw, when I stitch, it is over two threads. If you look at the red flower here, you can clearly see how the cross is over a little box made up of two across and two high. Look closely at my name and you’ll see it is smaller. Ahh, learning tricks of the trade.

Here is the back. Another thing Jean said – the backs of so many of these antique samplers are a mess. Mine is not a mess at all, but it also does not need to be as neat as the front. This will be framed and no one will see the back.

Here is a close up of the main tower, it is probably neater than the bottom, because I was early on in my stitching, but I changing direction and left longer tails and I’m perfectly fine with it.

The front of the tower, it is beautiful, I am pleased.

I love these birds. Have just ordered another chart that has beautiful birds. It is a sampler, I think I am just going to stitch the birds.

A lovely flower, I should have changed the outer petal to a darker color. There are a few places in the work that just don’t quite show up because of lack of contrast. Then I remind myself, no one will stare that closely at my work.

Just some lovely details.

That little image above the tower? Originally it was a swatika – I changed it. Although this is called Solomons Temple it looks very Indian to me, and the Swastika was a Hindu symbol. But not one I will ever use.

This was before I washed and ironed it. I will probably iron it one more time before I lace it to a board. I will do the lacing then I will take it to the framers, also, no glass.


Garage sale and thrifting.

Although this is true, the Brown Shirts, those who have disrupted colleges and now our streets and bridges will never learn anything – so I put this out there, not for them, but for those who are willing to learn.

Its’ not just Hamas its’ so much of the world that only wants the Jews dead. they don’t care if the cost happens to be the Palestinians.

The celebrations continue, dinner with friends in San Pedro, notice both a nice Christmas tree and a sword fish – probably brought up from the waters here – although it would have been a long time ago.

My friend has a garage sale, wasn’t much there that interested me, but I do like the old fruit crate labels. Yes, a big red star is a little too close to communism, but I bought it anyway.

Along with this one. It isn’t framed, I have been collecting frames for my needlework. Why not use it here, I think the blue is perfect

The size of the frame is a little off, but do I care. No I don’t. I know the color of the frame doesn’t match the other posters, but the color of the label does, so that is where it goes. This is in my kitchen.

I put this on a kitchen wall, but it looked lonely.

Still in the kitchen, but grouped with other items, another fruit crate label and my mid century clock. Much better

Then I went thrifting with girlfriends – so much fun! It is so much better with friends who have opinions and yes, are enablers.

Literally, as we were going to the register, I saw this scarf. LOVE IT, and looking at the label I see it is wool, 100%. I love wool for it’s warmth, so yeah, this is going to get a lot of use.

Look at this 50s style dress, the color here is all wrong, it is a light baby blue. It still had the tags on it, I love it! My two friends also found good stuff – and yes, we are planning another thrifting excursion.


The light will return

It is the darkest time of the year, which is why both Hanukkah and Christmas take place now, the darkest dark is right before the light returns. boy do we need some light!

Last time I posted an image of a sign like this, people had to tell me it isn’t real. Well, maybe not, but I know that in my neighborhood, plenty of people would put up this sign. One group that doesn’t get mentioned in the antisemitism roundtable – are the average White lefties – do you know how happy they are to have all the hate that is directed against ‘White People’ being concentrated on the Jews?? They think this will spare them if it gets out of hand.

My one disagreement here is that the world will never become moral, parts of it will, but not the whole world. And if Israel doesn’t fight, and keep on losing wonderful young and not so young men in this war – then very quickly the whole world becomes not just immoral – but it will look like Hamas on a daily basis.

This is so true, the UN exists now just to bash Israel, I don’t remember the last time they did any good. Their ‘peacekeepers’ around the world rape young women and children, and steal from the locals. It is a way to get young men out of their hellholes in Africa and send them to hell holes in Haiti. The rest of the time – they bash Israel. Notice previous image? There is zero morality at the UN.

We have entered the awful stage of the war – things go bad, very bad. I know people are describing in detail how the three hostages were shot by the IDF. I know things went wrong, but I don’t need armchair generals telling me how awful the IDF is (like Ilhan Omar – the one who married her brother so he could come to America).

The violence is everywhere, and yes, it is all over the world, here in America. An elderly couple attacked in Beverly Hills. This is our reality now, no we aren’t hiding, but our lives aren’t like yours anymore.

This is one we respond, we don’t cry victim, we don’t whine – we fight back, both with our army and with song. another reason why they hate us. But then again, they will always hate us, so we still bring light and joy to the world.


Hanukkah 2023 is over, the war rages on

The war drags on, antisemitism is back to stay, it isn’t easy getting used to. One friend was telling me about other Jews who parrot the lines of Hamas – I guess they feel that by feeding the crocodile they will be saved – they won’t.

There was an awful event in downtown LA, a ‘Jewish’ group shut down the the 110 freeway on a busy Wednesday morning. they are Jews, one of the organizers is the daughter of a nice Jewish family we know. I have no idea if the parents are proud of her. When I put quotation marks around Jewish – it is because – those who remove themselves from the community – are out.

I was proud to see Angelenos getting out of their cars and fighting and trying to pull the bastards off the freeways. LAPD arrested 75, I’m sure Gascon just gave them a medal and let them go. What really saddens me is that these honorable Angelenos will now be antisemitic – because these awful people called themselves Jews. Yeah, some of the worst people around call themselves Jews – but guess – Hamas will happily kill them as well.

7th night at home with a home cooked meal. Just the two of us.

8th night, back with friends. The fire was lit by one match by Sholmo. A former boyscout from Israel. It wasn’t too cold, having the fire meant we stayed outside longer.

Laughing with friends, something that is even more important right now.

Lighting the final night, all eight candles.

Time to put the menorah away, and just put out flowers. Yes I do like all the reflections we see here.

Most of the flowers are from the market, the bright pink is a geranium from my garden.

Also, the bright red berries are from my garden. So now, instead of a menorah, the flowers and I think the stars will stay out until the new year.

95% Done!!! at this point I just want it finished, I’m not enjoying the stitching anymore. I just want it to be over, and it almost is!



Half way through and have I been eating and partying, almost every night! We have one more party on the last night – will I survive all the fried food?

Even Germany, where once were the Nazi flags, now is a large menorah. Gods miracles know no end.

Ya know what would be really nice? If we could get a nice sign from the Big Boss that everything will be ok. 

If only He could reassure us that in Iron Swords (the name of the war), we are going to come out victorious. 

I mean, we know it and some of us do see signs but they’re subtle. 

A strong sign would be nice, wouldn’t it? Maybe just a head nod and a message “I got you!” 

You asked and you shall receive. 

National Geographic has just announced the discovery of iron swords in a cave in the Judean Desert as the dramatic archaeological find of 2023. 

The iron swords were hidden by Jewish rebels during the revolt against Roman empire 2,000 years ago. 

“Four ancient but well-preserved swords — found serendipitously by an Ariel University archaeologist who slipped his hand into a hole in a hidden chamber of a Judean Desert Cave — have been named the “Number-One Find for 2023” of National Geographic Magazine.”

You cannot make this stuff up. 

Thank you, Hashem. 

Your message has been received loud and clear! 

Antisemitism takes all kinds of forms. I can hear people say – but that isn’t really antisemitism. yeah it is. I never watch that show, but it just reinforces in my mind how evil the ‘entertainment industry’ really is.

this can’t be whitewashed, real vile antisemitism in my city. First of all – why did the city allow them to shut down a major thoroughfare? Second, why that location -many Jews live there (my niece among them) two very large Jewish Temples. How about the city say – sure – you can have your march elsewhere and you have to stay on the sidewalk (like they do to us Jews when we want a march to support Israel) Yes. I let a message with the useless ‘selected’ Mayor Bass – there is no human to talk to.

The family gathered for a brunch, we did light one menorah – because.

The latkes my son made where great. The Sufganiot that I bought two days earlier were not so… a little stale – which is fine, I only had one or two bites

Nice image of Erez and Aytan, he is almost done with his sufgania. Most of the coloring on this sheet was done by the adults…

the food was a hit with everyone.

We tried for a group photo – didn’t work too well, so there are just pictures of people here and there.

The opening of the gifts! Oh my.

I am so blessed to have this family to celebrate with.


90% almost done!!!

Hanukkah has started, first candle.

I made another star, will put it away with the Hanukkah decorations, after Christmas, my Hanukkah stuff will stay up for a while.

An Israeli solider on his way back to his unit. Btw, looking closely I’d say he doesn’t clean the Menorah from year to year, because those colored blobs look like candle wax to me. Which I find very sweet.

We sing a song when we light the candles. Maoz Tzur – thanking almighty God for saving us from our enemies – the verses are about the Egyptians, the Babalonians, The Persians with Queen Esther, and the Greeks during the Hanukkah story. The final verse is our enemies in general. May we be blessed to include the destruction of Hamas by next Hanukkah.

Turns out the head of the Board of Directors at Penn, wants this evil woman to resign as president. For her blatant anti-semitism and more than that – for the fact that big donors are pulling back their donation. Once again – capitalism wins.

I do have to say, this will only reinforce the haters of the Jews – look at the power they wield. So be, I can live that. I can also live with some idiot on Twitter who says in response to there are only 14-15 million Jews world wide – no there are at least 10 million in Arab countries alone. Yes, most people out there supporting Hamas really know nothing at all, but they do the damage of stopping Grusom from having a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony at the Capitol. yes, I called his office and told them that as a Jew -I am deeply offended. I think his office will be hearing from me more and more.

and now! The big news! I only have 10% left to do!!! WooHoo! I’m working my fingers to the bone to get there.

This is what it looks like! so I am working both on the bands in the building and the bands at the bottom. So exciting!


Knitting stars

In my neighborhood. Some have been released, some are probably dead and hopefully some will still come home. The battle right now is Dir el Balach and Chan Younis – both towns near Gush Katif where I lived for four year. We left, 10 years later the Israeli government forced all the Jews to leave – and this is what the locals did. Elected Hamas and I don’t see much opposition to them, not from the locals, not from the Gazans who have moved away. Meanwhile look at Iran, they are fighting the mullahs – so don’t tell me it can’t happen.

So true, the Red Cross is an uber service – they still haven’t visited a single CIVILIAN hostage.

December is second rose bloom here in LA. Not mine, but maybe next year, mine will bloom as well, I just planted them a year ago.

the decorations and lights are out, I love it!

In time for Hanukkah. I got a cut match lighter, I have another vintage one on the way. (thank you Etsy). I was introduced to these by a friend. I have cute matchboxes – but the striker gets worn out quickly. This is ceramic, and adorable and will be used for the menorah.

Over on Interweave I saw these cute knitted stars, I tried to reverse engineer the pattern, failed. So when they were selling the individual pattern I bought it. I was trying to go from the middle out, I was supposed to go from each individual point into the center.

here is the star, not great, first one is usually the trial one anyway. Yes, I marked up my nice table tracing a pattern – gives it character.

Next, a six pointed star, same method, just one more point.

This may be one and done, we shall see. of course I think the Star of David is much more of a star than the 5 pointed one. Although, I guess one can make them for the 4th of July


Over 80% Done!

Before, this is Mia Schem before going to the Nova music festival.

Here she is, being released and brought back to Israel. Notice any difference? Btw, I still hate the Red Cross, they stand there doing nothing, letting the Hamas terrorists ‘pretend’ to be kind, and then they want credit for doing nothing for these people while they were captive. And will continue to do nothing for the remaining 137.

A neighborhood flower shop changed hands. The new owners now put out a pail of flowers they can no longer use. Which means I have to go in and spend some money there as well.

Clementines from my sons’ tree. Yes, they are yummy

This is 80% done. I have completely finished the border.

Another 3%, at this point I am so anxious to finish this! I have other projects!

handsome family getting their annual pictures, at the pier near their home.

Two other adorable grandkids.



Huge Rally in London for Israel and against antisemitism. there are about 270,000 in all of GB, over 100,000 people showed up at this rally – many non Jews – Brits who are fed up with the takeover of their country by Islamists.

Singing – Ya’aseh Shalom – make peace. Btw, no mask, no signs of hate, no calls for murder.

One of the many Brits who came out to show support. This woman is British, unlike the stabber in Dublin – who despite living there for 20 years – holds on to his Algerian ways.

Elon Musk is in Israel now, in this image he has been meeting with the president of Israel and families of hostages. For all the idiots who call him an antisemite – they themselves are antisemitic – they hate Jews, but scour the internet for every faux pas so they can call others by that term.

Abigail who saw her parents murdered is reunited with grandparents, aunt and uncle. She has also been with her brother and sister. Btw, the brother is so traumatized – he won’t speak. The horror of what was done to these people is unimaginable.

Meanwhile all over the world and the US our governments are allowing mass disruption of life by the pro-hamas crowd. This is by design. So there has been a ceasefire – and yet the protests just grow and grow – way beyond ‘Palestine’ – now it’s about destroying the west – plain and simple.

On to happier things, like the actual Thanksgiving dinner.

The Turkey, midway through. it was Yummy! Because we were out of town, I had no room to bring back the leftovers – yes, I’m sad about that.

The other turkey that graced the table.

Putting out the food, aside from Turkey there were a lot of veggies.

Loving the food!

Happy together.

Had to take a break from stuffing the face in order to take pictures

Tired but happy.

Yochanan made breakfast the next morning! Yummy, then we took Westley and Cameron home. Their parents always like to enjoy a Black Friday together.

On Sunday I had 37 people over at the house for a end of Thanksgiving weekend bash. Most are from our Minyan – we had seen each other on Saturday, needed more time on Sunday. No pictures, I was too busy. It was lovely, good company, good food. At times like these we really need one another.
