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Sharing my neighbors hard work.

I have about 4-5 puzzles I haven’t made, during the lockdown I always had a puzzle in the works on the dining room table. But with the world opening up and having guests over most weeks, I had nowhere to puzzle. Sure, I have that black map, but moving around a puzzle is a sure way to lose pieces. something I am really good at.

This year my son gave me another puzzle. Enough! I have a large great room, there is plenty of space for a puzzle table. And so I bought myself one. It is a folding table, so it can be put away. As you can tell, the first puzzle I made is this Norman Rockwell picture.

I checked out Amazon, Wayfare and then the puzzle website – Its and Pieces. Good price for a nice folding table. I like to sort out my pieces by color – it helps. Only problem is that sometimes an edge piece gets lost in there.

There is recognizable color blocking, it is 1000 pieces, but felt very doable. I always start with the border. And often, I have to shift pieces around, so before the border is actually finished I will go on to something like the signature.

The painting is called The Shiner – you can see how proud this girl was of winning a fight – especially since she has the black eye as a memento.

I find it very relaxing to put together puzzles. Sure I love the cross-stitching, but I need to give my hands a rest.

I had a very good helper, Cam preferred the lego, although he did put in a few pieces.

This is where I was before Westley came to help

This is what we accomplished together.

Getting closer, what is left is the hard part, slight changes in tone – but basically all the same color. At this point I am taking a piece and just trying it everywhere. Once I get closer to the end, it is easier to fit in the pieces.

Done! Leaving it out for a day or two, then I’ll pick another puzzle. I was talking to a friend who also puzzles – we are going to exchange our finished projects. My son has a large collection, apparently at his library they have an area for puzzle exchanges. Great Idea!


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