Now the baby can be born

He is due at the end of the month, so no rush, but at least I have finished his quilt.This is stitched in the ditch, so it doesn’t look like much has changed.Adding background quilting.

I took my machine to be serviced as well as to see if they can do anything about all the threads that break during FMQ. Also, needle threader doesn’t work anymore. So I was told that it would cost me $269 to replace the needle threader, $30 to sand down the plate to prevent the threads from breaking and the usual $90 for service.

I declined to buy the new part, I have to go back to the old-fashioned way of threading the needle. They sanded the plate, but said: “I told them not to service the machine”. So my machine sat there for two weeks for practically nothing. Yes, I am looking for a better service place.

Oh and the threads keep breaking all the time, so although the plate needed to be sanded, that was only a small part of the problem.Which means, I didn’t enjoy quilting this as much as I normally do.  I decide on the quilting patterns as I go along. After finished the main section of the background, I decided that anywhere that has this background fabric, I would fill with the same quilting pattern.There is some ruler work here, not much because my machine hates the ruler. I like the idea of leaving the thin diamond border un-quilted, helps it pop and reinforce the overall border design. Love the textures!
Bound and done.
Years ago I bought this Noah’s ark fabric on sale, I knew it would be great for the back of a baby quilt and it is! The quilt is 41″ wide so I didn’t even need to seam anything. My label iin place, just waiting for some more pertinent information. Like the name, the birth date….I’m way ahead of the game, two quilts finished long before the babies arrive.Nothing more lovely than a pile of quilts, even if it’s just a pile of two.Final shot, after being washed and dried. Yup, it is crinklier and the quilting is more pronounced. Softer and cozier for the baby.




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