
I named my blog ‘No Idle Hands Here’ because the name without the ‘here’ was already taken. Also because I’m always making something.  The web is full of all kinds of creativity and sometimes I just have to jump in.Rope baskets have been around for a while. The first ones I saw were completely wrapped in fabric. Nice, but….  I think they looked too scrappy to me. And then someone shared a much simpler version. Now I was ready to give this a try.I love YouTube, there were many good tutorials.  So off I went and bought a clothesline at the market, pulled out some basic thread and scraps.I used some cheap thread from Common Threads, I don’t know who recommended it, I don’t like it. Since a basket like this uses a lot of thread, I figure why not, use it up quickly. Well I still have plenty left, I guess that means more baskets.Years ago I took some basic design classes, sparse is often better than busy.  I feel like I spaced the blue sections in a pleasing manner.It is prettiest when viewed from the top and when empty. Remembered to include my label.There are many ways to finish off the coils, I’m sure I’ll try other options.As pretty as it is empty, it is also fun filled with stuff.  Now off to try other shapes.


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