Post Thanksgiving Thanks

Thanksgiving weekend was lovely. Not many pictures, because I was busy doing things without the camera at hand.img_5931I used the Instant Pot to cook a fresh pie pumpkin and made this pie. This is straight out of the oven, a few minutes later, it fell. But boy was it delicious.

img_5933These guys are precious! So are their cousins, but no camera on hand.

During the meal, they were running around, have a grand old time. It is so great to see Westleyenamoredd with Aytan and fan-boying him. Aytan really liked the attention.

img_0503Mommy and Daddy love going out at night for Black Friday. Both boys stated the night in cribs at our house. Cameron went home in the wee hours. Westley stayed all night and the next morning we went for a walk. With his ‘Ellie’ and his brother’s sweatshirt. Yes, we managed to squeeze a 2 year old into a 9 month old sweatshirt.

img_5935Another boy into trains!!

img_1036I bought a few things, this rotating cutting mat arrived! Yay for more quilting tools.

p1170321Speaking of quilting, Megan  is making quilts for the families of murdered policemen. Too many have been killed in the last few months, so I was happy to use her pattern and to make a few blocks.

p1170324Remember this linen shirt? It has been washed a few times and is getting that soft cozy feel. I still love it as much as ever.

I tried making a dress out of the other linen fabric, big fail. Sorry, no pictures! I was able to salvage the fabric and make another shirt.p1170329The center seam on the back is part of the pattern, the yoke seam isn’t. That is the only way I was able to make the back pieces. Ingenuity is always part of sewing, another great shirt in my wardrobe.

p1170325Can you see how this still has the sheen? Well maybe you can’t, but it does. One wash and it too will be gone.

p1170326I won’t be dry cleaning this, the soft worn linen look is part of the charm.

And now, onto other projects!


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