I’m beginning to think that we are all very familiar with what the skeleton looks like, even though most of us have very little to do with death.Getting Fido in on the act.Even apartment dwellers are in on the fun.Although this homeowner should win some prize, not for having rabbits on his fence, but for at least including them in the holiday fun.Some decorations are old fashioned.Others are all about the inflatable, with the Peanuts in the starring role. Maybe I should be glad that spider wasn’t inflated.Because this one is scary!Combining Halloween and Day of the Dead in one display.Very realistic ghost, you can see through it. Love me some JackAnd Sally.And then some people really go overboard with the gore.Other events do take place that have nothing to do with Halloween.
WOW! Your neighborhood really goes all out for Halloween! We have a few assorted houses that decorate, but nothing like this!
Well the last few pictures were from my son’s neighborhood…. but yes, people around here do go all out.