Travel socks

Long trips demand an easy knitting project.  This is what helps me get through two 15 hour flights as well as down time during my visit.

I picked up some lovely variegated sock yarn from my local LYS The Altered Stitch. I cast on during the flight to Israel and bound off the second sock on the flight home.P1080724Notice how different the two socks are?  This is what happens when one knits with variegated yarn. Either the spiral or the big pools of color.P1080722It is even more apparent on the reverse side. This is something that just happens, although I was working the same number of stitches, I got two different results. Of course my gauge is probably completely different. Every day and it’s mood create a different guage.P1080727This is the beauty of hand knit socks, of course they are a pair but each sock has it’s own unique personality.P1080728I started them toe up and you can see that the colors disperse differently, this is the nature of the wool when the project increases, the colors are much more random.  Which is why I don’t like sweaters knit out of variegated yarn, the pooling drives me crazy on a sweater.

I have no doubt the recipient will love these, not only because they are warm and cozy but because the variation really makes them stand out as a unique pair.  Just what handmade items should be.


2 thoughts on “Travel socks”

  1. You are a fast knitter! It takes me months to make a pair of socks!

    I’m a fan of having socks look totally different, I really like these.

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