The lions of Jerusalem

The more involved I get with photography, the more interested I become in finding the unique. Or at least trying to tell a story of something that most people never bother to see. I had lunch with friends and as we walked around afterwards, they were amazed at how perceptive I was to my surroundings.  Open your eyes folks!P1080568Lions are a big deal in Jerusalem,  Lion of Judea, it is now the symbol of the city.   This kind of lion is common on the entrances of a number of homes.P1080661This fellow is amazing!  He is over the doorway of an old house. I’ve never seen one like him, a sleeping lion!P1080681This manhole cover has the emblem of the city shield.  I thought this was a water main cover, but no, the word on the right is Stop lights – so the control panel for the lights are under here.P1080710Same lion appears on many of the city benches, either in parks or along the streets.P1080687Yehuda Fences, I’m guessing he chose the lion as his logo because of his name.P1080667The famous lion fountain.  I’ve looked through my old photos and I’ve found pictures I’ve taken through the years, often with the water not running.P1080669P1080668P1080685P1080676I love these lions, so whimsical, so fun.P1080680This lion has been here forever. I think it was over 20 years ago Jerusalem had a project of artist painted lions. Where the geranium now blooms there used to be tulips.  Geraniums are much more effective in the hot dry climate of Jerusalem.P1080571These feral descendants of some big cat are all over the city.  Not a lion, but still related.


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