Mostly the war

I’m starting with the happier stuff this time. Unfortunately Aytan has had behavior issues on the school bus – so on Tuesdays I pick him up. since this wonderful legacy ice cream shop is close to his school – I felt it was time for a treat.

Yes, he is very happy. He chose Mango and cinnamon ice cream. Another man who was waiting to place his order – couldn’t believe that I didn’t buy any for myself. He was very impressed with my will power. As he should be- I tasted some of Aytan’s – it is really really good.

And now, onto the war.

There is a major concerted effort, using all social media to continue the brainwashing of Israel being the worst nation on earth – well, they are including America now. So I am diligently sharing what I can and I am seeing on IG a lot more following – so I am reaching people. There are good people out there I hope you are one of them. Following the legacy news is worthless -but the truth is out there – As Scully and Mulder used to say. (if you know, you know).

It is disgusting to see the kind of things people are saying and doing. And this is from the ‘peace loving crowd’ so yeah, there is an effort to combat that.

Then we move on to humor

There was an amazing rally of almost 300,000 people on the mall is DC. no vandalism – no screaming for murder. Prayers, singing. A policeman guarding the rally said he got a years’ full of thankyous in one shift. Because Jews appreciate the work they do.

Images from the rally – I know a number of people who flew from LA to be there.

Since then we have learned that one woman’s body was found near the Shifa hospital, a young woman was recorded saying how she is doing well – then she was murdered on video – Hamas is the worst of what humans are capable of.

We know that a baby was born a hostage, don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, don’t even know if it or its mother are still alive.

I am so proud of this flag – I am so proud of most of the Jewish people – as far as I’m concerned there are two organizations that have completely sided with our killers – I won’t name them – but no, they have removed themselves from the Jewish people. Meanwhile, many non Jews have joined in fighting for decency and the western way of life.

Not all UCs’ are alike, my son and daughter in laws alma mater is one of the good ones.


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