The animals

Most of them that is, I was told there are raccoons, I don’t like raccoons, we have them here, happy to miss them.

The resident Iguanas are all here. I think they have stopped feeding them the fruit rinds and just let them exist on their own.

When they are young, they are bright green and blend in with the grass and greenery.

As they age, they change color – or is it just sunburn? they develop a wattle and I’m not sure if that big bulge is his ear. Very prehistoric looking, probably just very small dinosaurs that survived.

The crows were everywhere, making a racket and a nuisance.

Heron? I don’t know! There were also plenty of pelicans, they dived bombed for food. Aytan wanted to catch one, very glad he didn’t.

Then there was Yellow, Garfield or 45, he has at least 3 names. A stray that has been adopted. The staff feed him, the guests love him.

Aytan loved him.

He liked Aytan back, for a while until he went to other guest for attention.

Becky knows how to skritch cats.

On my lap.

Staring down Shira, hoping for some food.


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