stopping the car to take pictures

Driving down an average street in Burbank, I saw some interesting houses, had to stop to take pictures.

Most of the houses are a variation on this, a small midcentury ranch. Not ‘high’ mid-century – just the kind of houses being build in the post war years.

I drove by, did a double take. parked the car, got out to take pictures. This looks like a storybook house, something that was popular in the 30s’, long before this neighborhood was built. It has wonderful elements of river rock, an undulating fence.

It also has a bay window, which isn’t common in storybook houses, the roof is clearly new – but then many us have to replace roofs from time to time.

Side view. I’m thinking that someone took the original house and updated backwards. Kudos to them. Yes, it’s messy but so be it. T my mind it doesn’t have to be ‘original’ to be a storybook house.

I should have kept walking, but I got into my car again, drove 3 houses and had to stop again.

This owner either updated the original or build new, in the style of Mid Century. I like it! So many areas are losing the old house to McMansions, its’ happening on my street. And yet, someone will always create that unusual house. My next door neighbor has a crew working extremely hard on renovating his house, it is looking very nice!

The wisteria is blooming, this is a very healthy specimen.

My succulents are blooming. Last year the other one had a very similar flower in orange. This one is yellow.

Speaking of yellow

How perfect is this?

Then there is this little guy!

Speaking of little guys.

Einav and Eyal came with their dads to our synagogue – Einav made a friend!

Eyal and I took out the scooter. Their street is a dead end, but one has to be very careful, cars do come by.

After two weeks of rain, Aytan got to go back and feed the chickens and hang with his best friend Burt.

Back at our congregation, me reading the prayer for the state of Israel – in perfect Israeli Hebrew. Yes, I brought up a sidekick. And yes, Israel is in real need of prayers now. The effects of long term lock down leads to long term protests and anger – not at the lockdown, but clearly to my mind this is an affect. We are seeing all kinds of violent ugly protests around the world, each has their own reason, but they are beyond anything we’ve seen before. Except for BLM and Antifa – that always got a pass to be extremely violent.


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