Not all sewing advice is good.

P1000255Last year I made this shirt. Looks nice right? WrongP1040683After one wash this is what happened to the hem. (this photo is after many washes, but it happened right away). People are always posting great tips and I love trying them out. This one was a failure. The advice was to put elastic in the bobbin when sewing with twin needles so there would be stretch and it would lie flat. Clearly it didn’t lie flat, it actually pulled in more than plain old sewing thread in the bobbin would have.

Thank you again Coletterie tips,  I pulled out the seam ripper, removed the offending elastic and now have nice  hems.P1040692I didn’t wear this shirt much last year, the puckered hems really bothered me. It was well worth my while making this adjustment.Now I have a shirt I can wear with pride.P1040690Unbelievable what has happened to me, I love to sew new clothes, I hate mending, yet here I am, pulling out another tunic I made a few years ago, ripping out the twin needle hem and replacing it.P1040823P1040829A nice clean finish, it’s worth the effort. (btw, are noticing that purple is a theme in my wardrobe?)


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