The Bris

P1040862Eight days after he was born it was time for Westley’s Bris – circumcision.  Traditionally it’s done as a large celebration, since it’s all about welcoming a new member to the community – so the community needs to be present.
P1040874House filling up with guests.P1040879The Mohel (man who does the circumcision) discussing issues withe the parents.P1040889Grandma Pat bringing him in.P1040894Uncle Yochanan is the Sandak, I guess that translates to Godfather.P1040901Aytan and Westley, it was just five years ago the Dr. Andy performed the same ceremony for Aytan.P1040886Those looking down are looking at Shira, to be honest, no one wants to see the actual cut. P1040904A few blessings.P1040905And it’s done. Yochanan had to watch, it all happened within seconds on the board on his lap. Yishai was called the bartender, he is holding wine infused gauze, yup, start them off right away with the wine – it makes it all better. Aytan was close by, not seeing the actual procedure, but his reaction was: oww! That hurts. P1040908Back with his parents, quiet and happy, he slept the rest of the evening.  A Dr. friend, a urologist, told me that the home setting is so much easier on the baby vs. the hospital.  He is surrounded by love, by joy and happiness and of course a little wine.

And then we ate, because that is what every Jewish event includes, food!  I was too busy to take any pictures, no one left hungry!


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