Hanukkah Mayham

It is absolutely wonderful to have the crowd together for Hanukkah. Every other night, when it’s just two of us – we light the Hanukkiah, have dinner and that’s that.

Crowding around to light the menorahs. Yes, I’m glad it was first night, so there weren’t a ton of candles. We handed out the gifts first night so the other nights weren’t so chaotic.

Ah, the gifts, everyone is excited to open the gifts.

The kids were very patient, they waited to open the presents.

It is hard buying gifts for Aytan, we got him things, but I’m not sure he liked them.

Not sure what he opened there, although I do have to say he did have a good time with all of us noisy people.

It is more fun to give to younger children, as you can see, Einav is supper expressive.

Ah, to be three! Also, notice how her Dad finds the perfect Hanukkah clothes?

Not sure why Cam has a dazed look. Also notice, with the new gifts, Einav has forgotten last years baby.

Yes, I win at gifts this year. I found this unicorn at Big Lots and had to get it! How could I not! Unicorn, rainbow colors. She is soooo happy!

Of course, now she sleeps with it nightly, not to mention riding and playing with it during the day.

I got these lovely new sunglasses, as in really nice expensive sunglasses. Love them. I also got a pancake batter dispenser – a perfect gift for a grandmother who always makes pancakes when the grandkids sleep over. And we used it! One day Yoch made waffles with a draidel on them, but those were made one at a time. So it was much easier using my new dispenser, and I have to say, having uniform pancakes makes a difference when frying them.


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