Its’ been a while, the neighborhood

This year it’s cold, and so we actually have a lot of leaves on the ground, the colors aren’t as vibrant as New England, but a lot of yellow and orange.

I was looking for the unusual, like the yard decorations, this adorable frog drinking tea out on a bench.

Or this couple of pilgrims in the window, I didn’t notice until I got a closer look at the picture, there are some barnyard animals as well.

On the topic of couple, here are a couple of mitts and baseballs. Just sitting on the wall of a local church. Not sure why they are here.

His and hers chairs. They just look like they’d be perfect on a wedding invitation, the one on the right looks very feminine and although the one on the left has some curlicues – it looks masculine. Maybe just in contrast with the circular chair.

Speaking of garden art, this is most definitely art. It satisfies my love of glass as well as the vibrant colors one can achieve while working with glass. Yes, there is a pair of chairs in the background. I don’t feel like figuring out those apps that let you crop out the background.

For the last two years Crown Media, the parent company of the Hallmark channel had a billboard. The countdown to Christmas. They also used to wrap their building like a present – they didn’t do that this year.

They just put up one wreath. I wonder if they have a huge tree in the lobby. I can’t see with the mirrored windows. Maybe if I drive by at night I can see. I have been listening to A very Merry Podcast – Kira and Amelia talk Hallmark Christmas movies -they are a little underwhelmed this year, sort of like the building itself.

Not Christmas decorations, just a funky old house with interesting shutters. If it sells, it will be torn down and replaced with something modern. So I might as well capture the funkiness now.

At least nature is flaming red with the pyracantha, which means flaming thorn. Both very true about this plant. I thought the faded fire hydrant is a nice contrast. See even some of the plants bring out their Christmas colors.


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