Natchez, part 1

It was a relatively short drive from Vicksburg to Natchez. We arrived on a Monday, right after an exciting weekend of hot-air balloons. I would have enjoyed that.

Natchez is the one city in the south that still have over a thousand antebellum structures. Not all fancy houses. This really struck me, the south had all the battles on its’ land and paid a huge price in the destruction of so many buildings – which means history. Which makes me all the angrier about removing confederate statues. Sure, many were put up post war -but I’m not buying the idea that slavery in the south is the source of all evil today. What I see is an arrogant clueless class who enjoys hurting people – even about their past.

So after a delicious and very southern lunch (yup, deep fried meat in a sandwich) we walked. I honestly don’t know what is antebellum and what may have been a Victorian house built later. To me this looks like later Victorian, but I don’t know. I do know that I love the two keyholes, on the front porch and on the second floor around the window.

All the design work! Love it. As we walked, about 5 little old ladies came out to talk to us – ah the friendliness of the south! Also, it could be that they were somewhat lonely and just happy to talk. One recommended a restaurant, in another case, a little dog followed us, a woman came out of a business to talk and asked us about the dog. Not ours. She immediately had her assistant put up a notice, either on FB or IG to ask if anyone is missing a dog – with picture of course. Ah, small southern towns!

One thing that is apparent is that right next door to a lovely mansion, I would find a rundown decaying house, or sometimes an empty lot. This isn’t Beverly Hills where if you can’t keep the property up to code – you are out!

Another outstanding home.

Another rundown shack.

This I know for sure is 20th century – its a Craftsman house! YAY!

Natchez is also on the bluffs, down at waters edge there are some stores and look! Cruise ships! Many had to cancel because the river is so low. Part of the crew stayed at the same hotel we were at. The city certainly needs these ships.

In the park behind one of the many churches, a touching memorial to the confederate dead. Please don’t let any woke people know about this – they will demand it be removed.

I don’t know the name of the soldier atop the monument, I don’t even know if he was general, if he was local or just a representative of the many brave men who fought here. Yes, the north did occupy Natchez, but there wasn’t any real battle here – so much of the city remains.

Right next to the monument, a lovely fountain. As well as wonderful life oak trees! Yes, it felt completely southern.


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