More Nashville

The joke around here is that the national bird of Nashville is the crane, the same can be said about a lot of cities – like Los Angeles- they are building like crazy.

The first evening out I see this, now that is an interesting building. Only later did I realize how interesting it actually is.

I was looking at it from the side, but look from the front!

Here it is with all those cranes, well, just one, but believe me, there were plenty others. Turns out the Amazon has built part of it’s new headquarters right in downtown Nashville. the locals are complaining about the traffic, the congestion, all the newcomers. Yeah, that is what happens, welcome to progress.

another angles, this time from a bridge.

from the bridge, old buildings and new.

Speaking of bridges, I love em. We walked across the Cumberland River on this one.

What gorgeous weather we had in Nashville!

with a close up of the girders, because I love human ingenuity and creativity. I don’t want to go and live like a savage in nature. Nature is very cruel, all our modern amenities make like so much better.

There was a tour to the country music hall of fame, where they have so many of Nudies’ costumes on display. A nice Jewish boy from Eastern Europe who made it big making beautiful extravagant outfits – mostly for country singers. Later we saw Elvis’ outfits, nice but without the same attention to detail. Nudie worked right here in North Hollywood, looks like the stars had to come to him.

Aside from the bus tour, which was great, we toured RCA Studio B. An old music exec was our guide and she was great.

The king recorded many of his songs here. Btw, the studio is small and quite sparse – interesting what you can do with out major frills

Love her wigs. later on the drive we listened to a book she co-wrote with James Patterson. I hated it, we didn’t finish and I don’t care. Joel can finish on his own. I’m so over the rags to riches with all the miscommunications that make that possible. Even if Dolly has a big part. Lately I’ve been reading more of the classics – so much better. Yes, I am a snob.

In the recording studio, at the famous piano that everyone used.

Yup, me too!

And next the Parthenon, because America is great and we build things.


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