
I really really enjoyed the process of cross-stitch.

I found some wonderful books of cross-stitch at JoAnns. One has all kind of borders the others has wonderful images. Look what I found there!

The perfect illustration for the title, a notebook, fountain pens and ink. Ready to copy and recopy the Copybook Headings. I see many more cross-stitch with images rather than just words. Who knows, maybe there won’t even be words.

I bordered it with fabric and sewed it on the back of the quilt. Funny thing is, when I started, I centered the words, then as I was adding my name, I moved off center. I actually like that it is slightly off kilter.

Bright quilt, somber label, I think that is life. Full of both brightness and somberness.

Some more close up.

The fires all across the west have been horrible. Turns out that all that forrest mismanagement is finally coming home to roost. And then there was arson as well. A lot of people have died, many many more have lost everything.

The grandsons came by and we picked the melons.

It looks ok. The plant did what it could, produced a lot of seeds for the next generation. But there was no flavor whatsoever. Soon I’ll plant some peas and beans and probably more carrots. I have a handful of tomatoes left on the vine, I’d like them to start ripening so I can remove them and pull out the vines. Next year, I will try again. Out of everything, the tomatoes and beans yielded the best crop.

I LOVE these guys, what a blessing.

Even in the depth of pandemic, shutdowns and other plagues, one very good outcome is that these boys are learning to climb trees. And that in itself is a blessing.


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