Escape from the mayhem

Clearly our country has decided to let anarchy and lawlessness rule. CCPflu is no more, after locking us down for 2.5 months. Now they are releasing the mobs to go out into our cities and destroy, destroy, destroy. I knew when the pandemic started that the world was entering another one of those earth tilting fazes. Every hundred years or so, the earth tilts on it’s axis, and everything changes. From 1760 with the Industrial revolution which then bled into things like the French Revolution. In the 19th centuries there was unrest for most of the century. In the 20th century it started with WWI and for the west, ended in WWII. For the east, and anywhere under communism, it continued and continued. So I knew, we are now entering another such shift.

We went to Montecito to have lunch outdoors with friends. This lovely Church, All Saints by the Sea is going through a major renovation. I loved this sign. Building to a higher standard. I’m sorry to say, this really reminds of the old TV advertisement for Hebrew National hotdogs. Kosher hotdogs, back in the 70s their tagline was: we answer to a higher power.

What an iconic beautiful image of the beach. Mother and child, fisherman. And yes, those beautiful oil Dereks. Without them, life is short ugly and brutal. I love modernity and I love oil. A woman I greatly admire made the statement, God made oil specifically for our use as fuel. That is it’s only purpose. We aren’t taking food like corn and turning it into fuel. We aren’t using animal and all the feed they need for transportation. God gave us oil. Amen to that.

I wish more sailboats had been out, I love sailboats.

The surfers were out, God bless the surfers. Like the skateboarders, nothing stops them.

We had lunch at the new Caruso Miramar Hotel. OMG, gorgeous!! once again, we need nice things, and this is a very very nice thing.

One way to keep the property nice is to make sure the flying pest, pigeons, seagulls and other birds are kept away. Every nice resort I’ve been to have hired the falconers. I love falconers. This guy has a Harris Hawk. Pretty much a native bird. Watching them in action was a pleasure.

Not great pictures. The live experience was amazing.

Here he is taking a break.

Meanwhile, I am praying for our country. 50 years ago the left removed prayer from schools and then continued it’s war on religion ever since. Today Churches, synagogues and even other places of worship are either locked down or massively curtailed because of the CCPFlu. But masses of rioters are out in every city in this country spreading mayhem and destruction of both private and public property. Yes, there is a direct connection between the two.

I’ve been saying for a few weeks now, Our overlords in government have failed miserably at their job, and are punishing us relentlessly for their massive failure. I wonder what they will come up with next, it won’t be pretty.

The one voice of reason I have found, well actually I’ve known Kira for years. Here is her podcast about George Floyd. But listen to everything she has to say, if nothing else, it will make you think. I’m sharing the link to her podcast, btw, it can be found on all podcast platforms.


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