Time flies

The grandkids keep growing!

Aytan loves his frozen yogurt.

Unfortunately I keep forgetting to get pictures of Shira. She is growing so big.

Four and a half months ago we had this picture.

And now we have this. Eyal still loves to hold his sister, but ‘heavy, too heavy!’ So he needs some help.

Yes, she is growing. I now take her once a week to a Grandma and me class. I know I’m loving it.

So is she. It’s fun to reconnect with mothers who are now grandmothers. The other kids love her. She is the youngest right now, the two year old girl really like having her around. Notice the toy she is playing with?

It took some research to find it online, I had to get it for her. It is a very easy one for her to grab onto and put into her mouth.

Also, yay for narwals! she just has one one her shirt, but that narwal tusk in London last week helped subdue a horrible terrorist. Unfortunately after he killed innocents.

The crane is a big success, as you can see, it is even a little taller than Westley.

December this year has been cold and rainy. Which makes for more colorful foliage. But when a clear warm day arrives, it’s off to our local lake, Balboa lake.

The swan and the duck. There are plenty of birds here, this time I didn’t see the Canada geese or the cormorants, but then I was just sitting and knitting, not walking around.

Another kind of swan, plenty of people out on these boats. It is lovely how well used the park and lake are.


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