Quilt for Leigh II

A lot of that nervous energy has been going into making pineapple blocks. I didn’t do the math before hand, turns out I need 50……  I really don’t make queen size quilts, yup it’s a project!I want to start a baby quilt! but at least need to finish this top first. Then I have to wait until Ruth’s long arm is free. Once the top is done, I can seriously think about a baby quilt for my grandson.This is an amazing project. I shared this image on Deb Tuckers FB page and she responded in person. Once I’m done, she could use this as advertising for her rulers.

Fifty blocks is a lot, so I needed to change things up a bit, Leigh also raises honey bees. The honey bee is 6″, now to figure out how to build the pineapple around him.It worked!One bee is cute, but certainly not enough.So I made another one. Much better, I only have three more blocks to go and the top will be done!






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