Look around, really look

I’m observant, I pay attention, I really try and look at my surroundings. When giving tours downtown I always tell people – look up, look around, there are gorgeous buildings to see and interesting people as well.

So following my own advice, a local house had it’s gate open…IMG_4445And I saw this horse! I think it might be a carousel horse.  It might not, but either way – how cool is this! Having this in a front yard is cool, even if no one from the street can see it.P1140129P1140141Remember these tiny siblings?  I spent a week taking pictures. Towards the end of the week they were climbing on the rim of the nest and then they were gone. Never to return. Well I hope that they come back to the feeder.  You know how we were told as children that birds live in nests?  I don’t think so, I think the nest is only built as a place to lay eggs and raise the young. Otherwise they must move all the time, just so the predators don’t know exactly where to find them.

The nest is empty but I’m going to leave it alone so next year they don’t have to start from scratch.IMG_4547This is a narrow side yard right next to the street. There was a big tree that was chopped down, I hope because it was sick. I hate when a healthy tree is chopped down. They kept the stump and other pieces of the trunk and made this lovely no water garden. It will be interesting to see how it grows in.IMG_4550This alien looking pod is a flower. IMG_4552Soon it will become bananas or maybe plantains, which are also bananas.  I wonder if the owners ever harvest them or just have this strange looking bush on their property. IMG_4555Mid-century apartment building on Barrington, near my son’s house. There is a courtyard to the right, an nice open space between the building.IMG_4556To the right of that courtyard is what I call the gay building. How could you not, the rainbow colors stand out among all the brown and tan. When I mentioned this to my son, he drew a blank, he simply hasn’t noticed this.  It’s not enough to paint your building like a rainbow,  people passing by need to look. Otherwise even this fades into the landscape.

IMG_4533The Bauer Pottery outlet is now open on Fridays!!  IMG_4534As you can imagine, I LOVE the bright colors of Bauer, I love how they display all the color families.IMG_4536I did some damage, just a little.  The bowl is the Russell Wright line, mid century style, not as bright colors, but I love it all the same.
