More belated sharing

IMG_5578As soon as I knew the birthday (same as Aytan! Yay) and Sea Monkey’s real name I got to work embroidering the label.P1160202I thought I was done, only to discover he does have a middle name.P1160247So I squeezed the Ezra in and sewed the label on the back of the quilt.

Before I even started the quilt I knew I had to knit an octopus or Dandy Sir Cephalopod. If I make this again, and I might, I will use sock yarn, this guy came out yuge!P1140824Interesting construction, you knit eight legs, attach and knit up the body.P1140837Love the bottom! I just realised I didn’t put a label on him, oh well the Other Leah will know that it was made by the Leah.P1140836Since he is so much larger than the image on the pattern I needed to get creative with the eyes and the moustache. The eyes were easy, I simply covered a self-cover button with black fabric.P1140844The moustache was a little harder to find. Thank God for Etsy, I think I found the perfect one. P1140845Great little top hat.P1140846All this hardware means this Dandy isn’t baby safe. That is ok, he isn’t meant for Asher, he is meant for mom. A few weeks ago there was a video going around with a bright pink cephalopod, the Other Leah mentioned that she wants one. I couldn’t tell her that one was one the way. She is thrilled with how big he is, it’s part of his appeal.P1140843Dad can claim him as well, he won’t be chewing off eyes or moustaches.P1160249Here they are, the two cephalopods before they went to live in their forever home.
