Quilting news

P1120046I don’t know if you remember this quilt that I finished in the summer. I never said what happened to it. It is a gift for a special person, there were reasons why she only got it now.P1130579Yup, it’s for Shira!P1130578She does love it, even if that means walking all over it with her shoes on. She slept very nicely under it as well.P1130581Sometimes it’s scary how photogenic she is.

I have been working on quite a few quilting projects lately. Both guilds I belong to now do challenges. Valley MQG asked us to use th

Kona cotton color of the year, highlight Yellow.  It wasn’t easy to find, it still isn’t, it is selling out everywhere. Maybe because it is a much better choice than making a political statement with baby pink and blue like Pantone did.  Anyway Sew Modern did have charm packs and I split one with a friend.P1130050I also had a charm pack of rainbow solids, which is perfects since LAMQG is having a challenge with solids only. Score! One quilt for two challenges.

I like the idea of using one block and making changes by playing with the colors. I decided to use a tried and true block, one that doesn’t have too many half square triangles. P1130051Churn Dash. I made this out of charm squares I won as well. I really wanted to see how this block will work using a 5″ charm pack. It works very well as long as your goal isn’t a 12″ block.  It comes out more like 11.5″ which is fine for me since I’m repeating the same block, not making a sampler.P1130052Ok, I’ll admit it, it is very hard for me to stick to just one block, so every so often I threw in a checker board.P1130079I gradually moved onto the other colors.P1130089I am not a big fan of the rainbow. I wouldn’t have chosen this if I were buying fabrics for the project. On the other hand, aside from buying the Kona Highlight, I set my own challenge of only using the other charm pack and not including any other solids in my stash.P1130208I ended up being very pleased with the final result, now to figure out how to quilt it.



A lot to be thankful for

I love home tours,  sometimes it’s just going to open houses in the neighborhood and sometimes it’s a chance to see wonderful historic homes.  A friend gave me two tickets for the Pacific Palisades annual home tour. So I grabbed another friend and off we went.

P1120578I took this picture out on the street. Of course we weren’t allowed to take pictures of peoples private homes. What surprised me is that a few of the homes were at the top of a hill, with no view of the ocean.  Off in the distance is the Palo Verdes Peninsula, behind the tree on the right Catalina Island sparkled. P1120579Here you can see the tip of Catalina in the distance. It takes bright clear days for the island to be visible. Even though this isn’t my daily view – I am so grateful to leave so close to this.P1120581An amazing thing about Los Angeles, or in this case, Santa Monica, look at that large swath of white sandy beach. Many of our beaches look like this, not some skimpy 2″ of sand with massive high rises. Sure we are getting more tall buildings near the beaches, but our beaches are wide and spacious.  I don’t swim in the ocean here, way to cold for me, but I love a day with a walk along one of these beaches.

Thanksgiving is here. A uniquely American holiday – yes, we have all kinds of traditional food, but it’s wonderful as a nation, that we take a day to simply be thankful


IMG_3919I had seen an image in a magazine of using winter gourds as flower vases.  I hope to remember this next year so I can buy them before Halloween, very few remain in the stores by Thanksgiving. I found some! Bought some supermarket flowers, and even used some uncooked cranberries.IMG_3920These gorgeous gerbera daisies are from the local supermarket, what a find.IMG_3921In preparation for all the food, Aytan came over and helped me layer the pot with sweet potatoes, apples and brown sugar.  I didn’t light the stove until the pot was full, he did want to give a stir with his little stick.IMG_3922Then we found a You Tube video on how to make a turkey mask. I helped some but he did most of the work.IMG_3923As I mentioned, a lot to be thankful for.


PInk flowers

I needed to make Shira another dress, I found a very cute fabric at JoAnn’s, green and white. those are my colors, but Shira loves pink, maybe purple.

P1120558Pinks and grays and blue, can’t go wrong, and it’s big bold flowers.  The lining makes for a very clean neckline without facing poking out.  P1120559Putting in small sleeves isn’t easy.  I ended up with a few tiny pleats.  Oh well, this is a dress for a very active 4 year old. She won’t notice. I need to keep my couture elements on clothes for myself.P1120563The sleeve band also posed a problem, I admit, I made this one quickly, of course there are ways to both insert the sleeves and put on the bands that would have been much neater. I made the mistake of following the pattern instead of my intuition.  I do like how the skirt flares and the gathering is only in the front, under the front panel.P1120562Which is cut on the bias. Sure the pattern called for plaid, in which case cutting on the bias would give an interesting design element. It doesn’t make a difference here, except, bias is stretchier, so just in case, I cut this and the lining piece on the bias.P1120564Final hem, not level all around.  Again, so what.P1120568At lest the inside is neat and clean, with serged seams.

And the reward for this quick sew?IMG_3894A very happy granddaughter, holding a ‘flower’, it’s just a three leaf clover, but what a lovely prop  next to the big bold 60 style flowers.IMG_3896She is getting big! I made a size five and it fits perfectly. IMG_3895The skirt has room for twirls.  Why she is holding onto a spider her brother made at school – I don’t know. Hey photos are always better with props.IMG_3897I told her that she should wear this on Thanksgiving. We’ll see if she has the patience to wait that long.


Nachas, Yiddish for feeling grateful

P1120412Aytan spent the whole weekend with us.  He loves he shirt, even demanded that the top button be buttoned. We went to get his glasses fixed and I wanted a picture – of course he wouldn’t smile. IMG_3863A different day, Westley likes his shirt as well, as he rearranges the kitchen.IMG_3864P1120424The rest of the weekend included around the clock arts and crafts. He asked me to draw pirate ships, which he then cut out and colored.  He also took the rug pad to use as his display board.IMG_3859He raided my sewing supplies, so yeah, one of my stronger interfacings became the basis for this art.  IMG_3857My fabric glue stick is almost gone.  I did ask about the five legged giraffe, he didn’t seem to mind the extra leg. Put himself on it.   We went through about 5 rolls of tape. A visit to both the Dollar tree and the 99 cent store for more supplies.

I tried to do some embroidery and he immediately demanded to participate.IMG_3855His words and letters on construction paper. I gave him one of my very large yarn needles, doubled the floss, so it wouldn’t come off and showed him how to embroider.IMG_3856Very good for a first attempt, sure the back is messier, but that work is incredible.  He then taped to my wall. It’s down now but I’m saving this.  I’m also thinking that I might purchase one of those smaller sewing machines.  Anything to encourage this kind of creativity.

I didn’t get a picture of the mess the house was in, paper shards everywhere, googlie eyes glued onto everything. Shapes from my Sixxiz all over the floor.

I was in heaven, tired, but in heaven.  Shira spent the time with her other grandma and Erez and Becky had a very well deserved romantic weekend to celebrate ten years of marriage. I have no idea where the time goes!



This year it feels like people are celebrating Halloween for a whole week.  Of course at my Thursday night knitting group we always have a party on the Thursday before.  I am guilty of not coming in costume, but others are so creative.  Our theme this year was monster mash up – or at least mash up.P1120341Ellen takes the prize for the literal use of the terms.  Natalie is Mummy Dearest, with a wire clothes hanger included. P1120340Sarah and family are Alice in Wonderland, no mash up but this family always comes in a themed costume.  I do like how the Chesire Cat is in new and improved colors.P1120342And the winner of most creative goes to Amy, Miss Captain America!

P1120345At school on Friday the Kindergarten had their costume parade.  I love how many super heroes and Princess there were. Aytan as Iron man with his friend Atman.P1120349The mask didn’t stay on long.12193362_10154306154143696_246309569615679128_nI got to march in the parade.P1120358Westley came over to spend the night, the pumpkin hat lasted on his head for a second.P1120361Mommy and Abba went off to a party as pregnant Princess Amadala (at least the pregnant part is real! It’s another boy) and Anakin.  They enjoyed a wonderful night out and even got to go to breakfast just the two of them.

And finally Halloween night!P1120369P1120370Aytan’s even has implants.P1120368He made a pumpkin mask to wear, luckily it was only for the house.P1120372‘Ariel’ came over.P1120376Kitty Cat Anna has her bucket ready.  P1120378This mask actually works!  He kept in on all night,  Erez happy to take his kids on the same route he used to go as a kids, although most of the residents of the houses have changed.

Yes, quite a haul of candy.  I love seeing the street full of trick or treaters of all ages! Little children, teenagers and adults in costume.  This is the part I like best, people out at night, knocking on doors and everyone happy and cheerful, even if some are dressed as ghouls or witches.


You Made Me?

That is what Shira says whenever I give her something.  You can imagine, my granddaughter appreciating my work, makes my heart sing. Also makes me make her more things.P1110484Months ago I made this sweater.  P1110485It was the middle of the summer when I finished it and it made no sense to give it to her a the time.P1110488The yarn is from Sarah, a knitting friend, she was de-stashing. Apparently she bought this on sale in North Carolina years ago and never used it. She bought an adult sweaters’ worth, so I sill have some leftover.  This cotton/acrylic blend knit up very nicely, and once again, I used different color buttons.

So the day, or rather night finally came and I gave Shira her new sweater.P1120250Modeling with glow wand.  My guesstimate works, big enough for her to grow into this winter.P1120246I really don’t like taking flash photos, it washes everything out, but as I mentioned, it was night.P1120249Yup, Aytan had to photobomb.P1120247Really photobomb.   He wants a yellow shirt.  He has no interest in hand knit sweaters.P1120252And finally, the happy grandkid photo!


Olaf Dress

Like all little girls, Shira likes Frozen, her favorite character is the little snowman Olaf. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for Olaf fabric. Anna and Elsa are easy to find but so far no Olaf.

Until Hawaii that is.IMG_0711The Calico Cat in Honolulu had this fabric – yay!!  Not only is it Olaf, this fabric is really adorable.

So I went into my stash of patterns and pulled out the Roller Skating Dress and got to work.  Oliver and S patterns are easy to work with, in no time I had this:roller skate dress, Oliver and SOf course I had to use a different fabric for the collar, it sort of looks like snow flakes, well it does for those of us who rarely see snow.P1100365Cute from the back as wellP1100366Got to use another one of that treasure trove of buttons and I only needed the one.P1100367Nice top-stitching if I can say so myself.P1100368Putting in a lining is what gives the neckline, sleeve caps and elastic casing such a nice clean finish.
P1100426Shira just turned four and it wasn’t hard to get her to model the dress.P1100427Or to pose with Saba.


Super heroes.

It is fun to make items for  very appreciative customers. especially grandkids.P1090446Quite the model,  Shira loves the Star Wars cartoon. She comes by this love naturally – it’s a must in her mom’s side of the family. So when I found this fabric at JoAnns’ I knew it had to become a dress.  I only bought a yard, so only had enough for the skirt and collar. I’m always happy to add another fabric, like the stripes at the armholes.  She is growing, must buy more fabric next time. P1090449This isn’t a party dress, she can run and play!  She was at the house when I made this, every five minutes she’d ask if the pretty dress was done.  She sat next to me while I sewed and played with pins, got to get them started young.P1090451P1090455Aytan still loves Spiderman but is open to other heroes like Iron Man.  Marvel licensed this fabric – perfect!  Same Oliver & S. pattern, we are now up to size 6. His first shirts were size 4.IMG_3309This is the Spiderman hand gesture, he knows his heroes.IMG_3311Not sure if this is Ironman or just a gesture, either way, these are the cutest customers ever for my sewing projects.  For Shira I can make all kinds of dresses, for Aytan it seems to be only shirts.  He loves them, so that is good and everyone at school marvels at these wonderful clothes. Win all around.


In praise of the pop-up carnival

It must be an American thing,  the Carnival comes to town. These days the rides are loaded on the back of big rigs and they set up shop in parks, or parking lots.   We did see one once in Mexico, but did they learn about it here?P1080889No midway is complete without a Ferris Wheel.P1080879Kudos to mom for being willing to ride with Shira, who probably would have been happy to go up aloneP1080870Remember when we were kids and the lure of the big stuffed toy was just too much.P1080873Especially if it is a popular character like the minions.P1080871But when the challenge is toss the ring on the ducky, I think I’ll stick with photos instead.P1080909Riding in a car is fun!P1080914But nothing beats the thrill of the big slide.P1080896Either aloneP1080919Or with dad.

PicMonkey PhotoP1080874The lights on the Ferris wheel will be much prettier at night.P1080875An hour visit with the grandkids is enough for me.


Sewing little dresses

Little girl dresses are so much fun. Oliver and S knows how to design them well. Using the Roller Skating pattern and some fabric I got on sale at Sew Modern.Roller skating dressI went through my stash and found just enough of the striped fabric for the collar. Roller skating dress, backI love these little girls jumping rope.pink dressI even found the perfect button.

With the right accessories, the outfit is perfect.
