Ahead of the fashion world

Here is what I found today

Stella McCartney Floral coat, $2000
Stella McCartney Floral coat, $2000

What I did, two years ago I took McCall’s 5525, went to Mood Fabrics and bought a lovely floral print. Here is the result

Front of coat
Front of coat
Back of coat
Back of coat
close up of hand work
close up of hand work

I took the time and effort to make unique round button holes and hand stitched the top stitching with red embroidery thread.  You won’t find that on Stella’s coat.







Hi, I’m Leah and I have been following blogs for years. Lately I’ve been sharing images all over the place and figured, it’s time to bite the bullet and just start a blog of my own. The name was easy, the phrase ‘Idle hands are the devils workshop’ applies to me, my hands are never idle and I hope I have kept the devil at bay.


I live in Los Angeles with my wonderful husband and am thrilled that all three grown sons live here as well. One with a wife and two kids – Yay! Grandkids, The other recently married and the third will be marrying his wonderful boyfriend soon. So yeah, I’m blessed.

What you can expect are a lot of fiber arts, these days I’m quilting, sewing and knitting, a lot! I also garden, do mosaics and embroider.
Currently I am a docent at USC PAM, a wonderful little museum  in Pasadena CA, that focuses on Asian art. I also am a walking tour docent in downtown Los Angeles. I also love exploring this vast city on foot with camera in hand.
So this blog will chronicle my creativity, my explorations and even a little bit of family.



