Flora and Fauna

P1160102One of the fun things about travel is seeing things you don’t see at home, well, the coneflower is also found here.P1160100But this alien flower is new to me.P1160101It appears to be some kind of rapid growing vine.P1150967Like these vines that have taken over a staircase in Georgetown. I guess it doesn’t get much foot traffic anymore.P1150940We have hibiscus here of course, but this one was so red and huge.P1160088Then there is the cattail, often considered a problem because it expands so rapidly.P1160109I saw quite a few of these massive spiderwebs that seemed to capture more plant material then bugs. Maybe the bugs are too small to see or they are consumed instantly.P1150931The common sparrow, eating crumbs that someone dropped.P1160098I don’t know if this is a heron or some other river bird.P1160099P1160094A mama and baby deer, yes we have plenty of these around here.IMG_1002But like all baby animals, who can resist something this cute?IMG_5505Speaking of deer, the yarn store sure knows how to make a display.


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