A sign of the times

Of course, I took some obligatory pictures in DC, but I find that what I want to post are the most unusual ones. I love signage, suddenly I had my theme.P1150954I love this kind of clocks, from back in the day when owning a wristwatch, or a pocket watch was only the purview of a few. It was important to have clocks out in public, especially in busy downtowns.P1150987This looks like an updated sign for a business that is no longer there. I’m guessing it was a pub.P1160067

Then it was over to Old Town Alexandria, wonderful old buildings, classic commercial downtown. I think there is an ordinance that the businesses need to put up this kind of signs.P1160070

Love the reflection of the back of the sign in the window.P1160075A humble pizza shop made a pizza pie

This oyster even looks like it has a pearl.P1160073This is modern creativity, the old-fashioned sign, but made as only a modern one can.P1160079

When affixed to a wall, you get more paint splatters.P1160083This was my first stop! Only later did I take the picture.IMG_5507The lamp posts outside the store were yarn-bombed.IMG_5506Even though it was one of the hottest humid days in the DC area, look at all this wonderful yarn!  I had to buy something.IMG_5509I have a sweater pattern in mind, so I needed sport weight yarn. They were having a sale!!!  I bought a color I normally wouldn’t have been drawn to, but it is a beautiful eggplant brown.  Sweet Georgia yarns are amazing, I love knitting with them.  I probably would have bought something in the blue-green family because that is what I always do. So yay for a sale! Made me buy a new to me color.P1160069Sometimes the sign is really secondary to the color of the building. I’m very pleased that Alexandria allows this kind of colors.P1150986I also enjoy these large murals on the back side of buildings.  These look like poppies, of course to my mind they look like California poppies because they are orange.


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