zippered bag

The Valley Modern Quilt guild is having a zippered bag exchange. Those of us who chose to participate brought in a fat quarter of our fabric, and we traded the fabrics. What kind of bag we made was entirely up to us – as long a there is a zipper involved.IMG_5270Here is my choice of fabric, Ruth will be making my bag.IMG_5271and here is what I got from Denise, we both chose dots.

Every so often I actually go back and look at my pinterest boards and pick a project. There was a very interesting bag that caught my eye. There even were instructions, along with a zipper it called for an interesting metal frame.P1140952

I made a practice bag, things went wonky, so I threw it out and found another pinterest post that gave better instructions.  I decided on another trial run.P1140954This one worked very well.P1140956I stabilized the bag with Soft and Stable and as you can see, it opens wide and stays open.P1140955I have used up most of these labels, time to order new one.

So now it was time to use the fabric Denise gave me.P1140989I used some star fabric along with the dots.  P1140986The frames is longer but not as deep.P1140988So the bag doesn’t open as wide, but it is still very functional, I added some internal pockets as well.P1150393Denise likes her bag, I will share the bag I got in another post.


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