Another shawl in the gift pile

Another shawl finished.P1140701I really like Very Busy Monkey’s patterns, I’ve just made two in a row. I didn’t exactly play yarn chicken, but I’d say I used up the whole skein of yarn. Pre-blockingP1140790And blocked. How is it I didn’t see the palm fronds until I uploaded the picture???  Oh well, they don’t detract from the pretty shawl.P1140793I wonder how much time is spent getting this cable just right. I love knitting it, I would hate to design and chart it out. Thank God so many talented people love doing this, it is well worth the money. $4.50 for this pattern. Many shawl patterns are less than $10, which is a steal. I end up with a lovely product while someone else figured out all the math.P1140791I like the way this curves in.  I know the title says this is for the gift pile. But who knows. Knitting shawls is great in the summer, I even wear shawls when it gets cool at night. Right now I’m using what I have, but I may decide to keep this for myself – or not.P1140794Here are the two in the gift pile.P1140796And a more artistic shot.P1140797I need to do more shots like this. It’s all in the way it’s displayed.P1140704I have yarn for the next shawl ready to go. It’s an interesting gradient. so I think I’m using this pattern, it is very similar to the other two, but instead of starting in the middle it starts at one end a works it’s way to the other. I think that may create an interesting color affect. I’ll keep you posted.


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