
A real live knitting group is the best. I belong to two, they are so good.  It’s one thing to view pictures of knits on the computer, completely another to touch and see the knits first hand.

P1140327My Sherman Oaks group have been knitting a lot of patterns by Very Busy Monkey. I loved what they were making so got in on the fun. This is the start of the Grand Teton Shawl, I chose the right time to jump in, since last month her patterns were on sale, of course I bought more than one.P1140357I think the yarn was an old Sweet Georgia I had in my stash.  Very subtle color changes. P1140356I knit this shawl going to and from Israel, so yes, I can see certain mistakes that happened while knitting on a very long flight. But I won’t point out where they are. This is what pre-blocked lace looks like – a mess.P1140426Post blocking, the shawl is larger and actually lacier.P1140430I like the crescent shape, it stays on the shoulders. P1140428Love  how the shadow really gives you a better picture of the lace.P1140434For now, this is going into my gift pile, I wear the blue/green shawl daily. As much as I love this one, I’m willing to give it away, so  since I already have a favorite right now, this one can chill.P1140418I have already cast on my next shawl, the Pink Topaz, also by Very Busy Monkey. I find shawl knitting very relaxing, much more so than socks these days. A sweater is just too much of a commitment.

I always need something on the needles and these days, shawls are the perfect choice.


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