Nachas, Yiddish for feeling grateful

P1120412Aytan spent the whole weekend with us.  He loves he shirt, even demanded that the top button be buttoned. We went to get his glasses fixed and I wanted a picture – of course he wouldn’t smile. IMG_3863A different day, Westley likes his shirt as well, as he rearranges the kitchen.IMG_3864P1120424The rest of the weekend included around the clock arts and crafts. He asked me to draw pirate ships, which he then cut out and colored.  He also took the rug pad to use as his display board.IMG_3859He raided my sewing supplies, so yeah, one of my stronger interfacings became the basis for this art.  IMG_3857My fabric glue stick is almost gone.  I did ask about the five legged giraffe, he didn’t seem to mind the extra leg. Put himself on it.   We went through about 5 rolls of tape. A visit to both the Dollar tree and the 99 cent store for more supplies.

I tried to do some embroidery and he immediately demanded to participate.IMG_3855His words and letters on construction paper. I gave him one of my very large yarn needles, doubled the floss, so it wouldn’t come off and showed him how to embroider.IMG_3856Very good for a first attempt, sure the back is messier, but that work is incredible.  He then taped to my wall. It’s down now but I’m saving this.  I’m also thinking that I might purchase one of those smaller sewing machines.  Anything to encourage this kind of creativity.

I didn’t get a picture of the mess the house was in, paper shards everywhere, googlie eyes glued onto everything. Shapes from my Sixxiz all over the floor.

I was in heaven, tired, but in heaven.  Shira spent the time with her other grandma and Erez and Becky had a very well deserved romantic weekend to celebrate ten years of marriage. I have no idea where the time goes!


4 thoughts on “Nachas, Yiddish for feeling grateful”

  1. You have a beautiful and special relationship with your grandchildren – a timely reminder of what life is all about. Please do consider buying a small sewing machine for Aytan. I gave one to my niece, but it is my nephews who love sewing on it: pillow cases, pencil bags, coasters…

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