Diane Von Furstenberg Knockoff

The moment I saw the DVF dress show, I knew I had to knock off this dress. Actually I already have.

wrap dress 1I had bought this cotton jersey print at Joann’s on a whim. I have quite a large library of patterns and I made this cute little wrap dress.

This time around I’d like to use a few more elements from DVF.Fabric and patternI bought this fabric last year at Michael Levine’s Loft. One thing that Michael Levine does is work closely with jobbers. These are the guys that buy out mill ends and such from the many local manufactures. Which means you will see fabric here you won’t see anywhere else, unless it’s already on a garment. It also means you have to wade through piles of junk to find the gems.

They are brilliant at charging $2 a pound, rather than charging by the yard. I can attest that fabric weighs more than you think. I have come out of there having spent a lot more than I intended to. fabric close upAside from being a very detailed tropical print on a black background, the fabric has another element. It is overprinted with  vinyl polka dots, which shimmer and glimmer as you move. This is a cheep way of accenting fabric rather than covering it with sequins. I don’t know what the fabric is, my guess is some kind of polyester with a little bit of lycra.

I’ve been sitting on it for a while, once I saw the DVF show, that was it, it must become a fabulous DVF style wrap dress.Vogue 8379Perfect pattern, it has the collar and the short sleeves. One modification I would like to make, is the  pleats at the waistline which give fullness in the breast area. I would like to modify that. DVF dresses don’t have that element. So I will be playing with some cheaper knit to get the front bodice  to fit nicely without those pleats.


4 thoughts on “Diane Von Furstenberg Knockoff”

  1. oh how i miss the loft. i ordered something very similar to this through their site– same tiny flecks, just a different pattern. the weight of it is totally stumping me, tho. can’t wait to see what you do with it!

    1. I’ll be posting on the dress tomorrow. It is an interesting fabric to work with, I actually like it. I only ironed it with a silk organza pressing cloth because of the vinyl dots, didn’t want to melt them.

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