Miscellaneous from the trip north

P1110651We hiked the fern forest, water, ferns and redwoods.P1110659The trunk of a large redwood that was cut down probably a century ago. The whole grove is second growth,  they have a long way to go to get the same girth.P1110662Many don’t make it, they fall, of course in doing so they leave room for the neighbors to grow wider, they also obstruct paths.P1110661New plants find these old stumps to be perfect places to grow.P1110654The strength of the spider, one small thread is holding this leaf aloft.P1110633Others have used the old wood to make interesting gates.P1110624Plants will grow and flower anywhere they can.P1110587Even on the side of the cliff.P1110668An abalone that was pulled out of the ocean.P1110605Just a cute sign that reminded me of a quilt.IMG_3632Yarn!P1110713Mexican pottery and redwood shingles.P1110702Peppers at the farmers marketP1110710The entrance to the Greek Orthodox Monastery in Calistoga.P1110712The nuns’ tools beautifully displayed and cared for.P1110706And the nuns selling their wares at the farmers market.


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