Knitting on the road

The nice thing about a driving trip is that I get a lot of knitting done.  Usually I bring socks or another small project.  This time I am making the Artemisia Sweater from Craftsy.  I must have bought this class during one of the sales since it looked very cute.  I also know that no matter how good I am at a craft, I can always learn something new.P1110471Webs was having a sale on their own worsted wool, and I found a color I like.  I think I was a little beyond this stage when we started driving.P1110715Before you know it, I had finished the lace section. Don’t worry, it will look much better once I block it.P1110714As you can see, I made a lot of progress. It  was fun to knit in a coffee shop in Cloverdale and have a group of ladies admire my work. Knitting is always a conversation starter.IMG_3647I was even able to try it on.sweaterBody is done and I’ve started on one of the sleeves.  sweater1With the same lace detail on the pocket.PicMonkey PhotoOne of the things that intrigued me about this sweater was how the sleeves are set in, not raglan. I love a good top down sweater pattern and this is definitely one!  I have seen other designers come up with their own method of creating the set in sleeve, which means more fun sweater knitting for me.

So now I just have to finish the sleeves, do a little bit of sewing and then block it!  Then hope for some cool weather so I can actually wear this.


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