Clamshell finished, Field of Flowers

IMG_2980I have really enjoyed sewing all these clamshells together. The instructions were very good, after a while I was able to sew without any pins.P1070219My Field of Flowers is done.  I went row by row placing the clamshells, I know there are people who simply add them willy nilly and the end result is great. I needed a more controlled placement.  Here is the quilt before I squared it off.P1070228For the back I used my least favorite of the fabrics in the quilt, I want to be able to use my favorite fabrics in other projects.  The binding was also made of leftovers.  Btw, this little owl pincushion holds my hand sewing needles. When when one has a lot of pin cushions…P1070231Done! I did a combination of walking foot and FMQ. Yes, it’s crazy, most people will never see it. I did the walking foot on my Babylock because I wanted a wavy stitch. I DO NOT like this Babylock anymore and one of these days will trade it in. It worked ok, but nothing like the JUKI.  I used the Juki for a handful of clamshells that I free motioned.P1070233P1070232In these two examples, if you look closely you can see the difference. Yes, I look closely at these things, I have other friends who will appreciate this as well.P1070237The back looks like this because I was using up fabric and piecing it to fit, no other reason.P1070236And here is my little label. I also need to embroider a nicer label, but this is a start. Now to wash it and put it out in the living room, another quilt for someone to cuddle with.  I think Shira will really like this.


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